
3d 3D Resources and Applications 3Deditortests 3dmodeling 3dmodelling 3dprinting 3dterrain abobe illustrator AC3D academic accessibility Addon adobeillustrator Adoboe aeontimeline Alphabet am amigaOS anamorphic android Android animation annoyances Anxiety ANYmal apple application Application References ApplicationReferences Applications apps AprilUpdate Archie] architecture archivefootage archives art ascii-art assistants astronomy atari Australia AutoRun b3d BBCNews Bipdeal blender Blender Blinded by Science! BlindedbyScience BostonDynamics braille Brave BSD c128 c64 cellPhoneTowers Centric chemistry Chrome chromeOS Clipstudio coding comic ComicNarrative comics commodore Computer Madness ComputerMadess ComputerMadness computers computing ConEmu console Consoles contours Copernicus Daria daylonleveller depopulation design designer diagrams digitalcomics digitalpainting digitaltag discovery_of_pulsars DIY docear doctorwho DOD drawing drawingsoftware drwho dualboot Earth ebooksfree ecosystems Edge Edit editing editors Electromagnetic Electrons emailclient endniote Energy Engineer Engineering excel exegesis exidy exporting facebook facebooksucks fake Fault fileutility firefox Firefox firefox57 Firestorm Flame flash free freeBSD freemium freeplane freesoftware freeware Friendica future Galileo generator Geocentric geos Ghost World ghosttownphotography GIF github Google google+ googleplus googleplussearch googleplustips graphics GRUB gui harddrive HarrissSpiral hashtag hashtags heightfield Heliocentric help HighandLowWeirdness history history_of_science HistoryOfScience homecomputer HomeNetwork import importing infographic inmoov interactivestory Intermittent internet Internet Stuff InternetStuff INternetStuff Ions iOS IOS ipad iphone ironman ISurfSocial java javascript Jenny Everywhere JocelynBellBurnell JudgementDay julesverne Knowhow kodi krita Krita LAS LASOpensimulator LASRandom LASTechnology Laura Ess Laura's Art LauraEss leveller levitation Libraries libreoffice linux Linux LinuxSnap LiveJournal mac macOS MacOS macOSX mangastudio5 mangastudioex5 maps MapSCII Match math mathart mathematics MaxOSX MediaPC memorial mesh MeWe microsoft microsoftexcel Microwave mindmapping mindmaps Mint MintKDE mobile modelrailways Molecules mono Motors mozilla Mozilla msdos MSNFeed msx Music NAS nasa natron NBN ncp NetNeutrality netradio Network NetworkStorage newzealand NikolaTesla nodejs npm NUC nz oldmachinery online onthisday open opensim opensimulator opensimulator terrain OpensimulatorLAS opensource opensourcesoftware openstreetmap Opera opml Orbit os outliner PaintToolSai PanicAttack password pc2 penrosetriangle pets photography photoorganizer photoshop physics Physics Planets plant plants Plasma png Podcast polyhedron Privacy processing programming projectmanagement PSRB1919 publicdomain Push pyromagnetic_electric_generator Q4OS quadrupedrobot quantum_mechanics Radiation radio RandomLAS raspberrypi reallife recovery RecRoomPC RemingtonRand research Retro retrocomputing reversenostalgi robos Robot robotic robotics Safari Sai SAVENETNEUTRALITY scalextric scapple science scienceeveryday ScienceGIF scitech Scooby Do ScoobyDoo screencapture Scrivener search searching SecondLife secondsgrid SecurityBreach SelfRighting server shapes sharing shopping simonastick Singularity sketchup SKYNET smartphone SocialMedia software Solar SolarSystem sorcerer sound sounds space spaceshuttle spectravideo Standing startrek steampunk strawhouse StudioPC subscription sweethome3d Synology tablet tags taskmanagement Technology TechnologyLAS Technomania tedtalks Terminator terrain texteditors TextFormatting textures TheFederation thunderbird todolist Tor trees TripleJ trolley tutorial twt UI UNIVAC universe update updates USA USB3 utility vector-tiles vectoreditor vectors vfx video videoediting videorecording viewer vintagecomputing Vivaldi vocorder Walking web Web webbrowser webcam webdevelopment werner_heisenberg WesternAustralia Widows Win10 Win10Install win7 Win7 windows Windows Windows10 Windows64 windows7 WindowsUpdate Wings3D WomensDay worldmap XnViewMP xport

Monday, April 30, 2018

Chromium OS is an open-source project that aims to build an operating system that provides a fast, simple, and more...

Chromium OS is an open-source project that aims to build an operating system that provides a fast, simple, and more secure computing experience for people who spend most of their time on the web.

I looked at FreeBDS and Haiku OSs as well, but they all looked like stuff that was cutting edge 12 years ago. Maybe I could have Chromium as a dual boot with Mint KDE? I already use a lot of Google stuff, and this seemed focused on webapps. Hmmm. I have more than enough space the Studio PC.

a biblical-themed lightweight operating system created in the span of a decade by the American programmer Terry A.

a biblical-themed lightweight operating system created in the span of a decade by the American programmer Terry A. Davis.

Um, I thought "I might just try out other Operating system on the Studio PC" and found THIS. I went to to check this out further, and found text like:

First, I command the military to kill fat and ugly people, reducing the population to 200,000,000, a number God mentioned. Then, society is to behave in a violent, libertarian, feudalism, never letting population get out of control, again. Any form of birth control is punishable by immediate execution.

No wonder I've never heard of this before, and that the Wikipedia doesn't link to it directly!

Sunday, April 29, 2018


Well, I started sorting out stuff in the Studio today, starting with the Studio PC. If you recall, this is the one that killed my graphic novel hard drive, and seemed to have done the same thing again. When I was trying to fix that I got into DISK MANAGEMENT and wrote down the serial numbers of the hard drives. This morning, examining that drive, I found that there were two sets of data cable sockets on the motherboard: a set of 4, and a set of 2. The problem hard drive was plugged into the set of two. So, I tried plugging it in to one of the two spare sockets on the set of 4.

PC booted fine, both to Win7 and to Min Linux; I was able to access the problem drives with no problems at all!!!

Has the issue been all this time that these hard drives were plugged into the wrong socket??!! I hate to admit it, but perhaps I've been a victim of lack of hardware knowledge. Most times when the PCs would play up I'd be struck with a panic attack. The times I fixed stuff I got past that and probably got a better understanding of how the hardware worked. Today I had NO expectations of anything to do with the PC. Hopefully today - after a library/shopping trip - it'll still work OK.

Which leads me to wonder what to do with the PC now. The Win7 install has been "damaged" and now considers itself to be NOT GENUINE. I did a bit of research before and it was probably due to me changing hardware. I'd moved the drive from an older PC into this one, and recently CLONED the OS partition to a larger drive. In any case I bought 3* copies on Win10 and have only used 2. But do I really want or need to have a 4th Win PC (the Black Box came with Win10 on it)??? I can always install that copy of Win10 on better hardware sometime in the future. Maybe I should just rip Windows out of the PC and reinstall it as a dedicated Linux PC, with apps that are only available on Linux.

Nothing I need decide right now. Suggestions please.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Thursday, April 26, 2018

A Firefox addon that allows you to select which bookmarks export, and how to format them.

A Firefox addon that allows you to select which bookmarks export, and how to format them. This replaces an early addon that worked before 57.

I find this an interesting idea.

I find this an interesting idea.



Originally shared by Sean Walker

Polyhedron Harmony

An essential measure of who we are is how well we have loved. 

More information about the rhombic triacontahedron:

This animation was developed with Processing:

... the Apache Math Commons library:

... and ImageMagick:

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

#Mozilla #Firefox

#Mozilla #Firefox

Despite the name (LMMS stands for Linux Multimedia Studio) this is available for other platforms.

Despite the name (LMMS stands for Linux Multimedia Studio) this is available for other platforms. A music production suite.
#Linux #Windows #MacOS

Open source alternative to Google Maps.

Open source alternative to Google Maps.

I use FastCapture, but this is Free and Open Source.

I use FastCapture, but this is Free and Open Source. It has the following capture methods: Fullscreen, Active window, Active monitor, Window menu, Monitor menu, Region, Region (Light), Region (Transparent), Last region, Custom region, Screen recording, Screen recording (GIF), Scrolling capture, Webpage capture, Text capture (OCR), and Auto capture!

And you can get the latest verson from the Windows Store.

TTCS OSSWIN online ( is a collection of nearly 90 Free and Open Source Software for home...

Originally shared by Dev Anand Teelucksingh

TTCS OSSWIN online ( is a collection of nearly 90 Free and Open Source Software for home and business users using the Microsoft Windows® 10/8/7 operating systems.

You can use your web browser to read information about each program on this online: what the program does, view a screenshot or video of the program, and a link to the program’s website where you can download and install the program.

This web-based interface allows you to quickly browse the variety of software organised into the following categories: Desktop Applications, Educational, Games, Graphics, Internet, Sound and Video and Utilities.

TTCS OSSWIN online :

Hmm, not so sure about this (the story dates from last year).

Hmm, not so sure about this (the story dates from last year). And wish that folk - whether they be scientists or journalists - would quit giving these things sensational names like the "God Particle" or "Angel Particle" because these don't reflect anything about the nature of the discovery.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Well, FLICKR is going from Yahoo to something called SmugMug.

Well, FLICKR is going from Yahoo to something called SmugMug. I had an email saying that I could either simply allow my account to be transferred, or download and delete my images before the 25th. There was a link to SmugMug's terms and conditions (the link here) and they actually seem fair and readable. I think I'll go with the transfer.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Kodi | Open Source Home Theater Software

Well, I sorted KODI out.

The stumbling point was that all the online tutorials seemed to either show the WRONG screens, or show a Windows file (that is, the tutorials were for KODI installed on a Windows machine). I just couldn't find out WHERE the external hard drive was!!!!

The other apps on the media centre listed the external drive fine, and then you'd plough through the file system to find the media file to play. It worked, but was not much better than what I had before. The key was to BROWSE on the Add Files dialog, and look through the ROOT FILE SYSTEM. The external drive was found with an incomprehensible name under the storage directory.

So I've done all that, and now KODI is "refreshing the media I have, adding descriptions, thumbnails, genres and other useful information on the files. VERY HAPPY with this. I think I might just do a brief tutorial on this, or at least post in several spots about what to do.
#android #kodi

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

As much as I'm enjoying using Win10, some things seem dreadful, like the updated calculator.

As much as I'm enjoying using Win10, some things seem dreadful, like the updated calculator. It has quite a number functions and conversions available, but with my 125% font size it covers too much screen real estate, and so far as I can tell, it doesn't have a tape where you can see the previous figures. Apparently though, you can still get the Calculator from Win 7 and 8.
#Windows #Windows10

nexusfile and nexusfont, free file and font managers by JungHoon Noh.

nexusfile and nexusfont, free file and font managers by JungHoon Noh.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

In addition to extracting things like icons and other images, this can also be used to "hack" programs.

In addition to extracting things like icons and other images, this can also be used to "hack" programs. Of course you have to know what you're doing, and the hacking is the sort where say, you might change one string to another.

Years ago when I was playing a DOS game called Demon Stalkers (see I hacked the program so that it didn't always check the disk it came on. Basically I replaced "A:\ " with "C:\DEMONSTLK"! Best to backup first!!!!

Stream 47 Hours of Classic Sci-Fi Novels & Stories: Asimov, Wells, Orwell, Verne, Lovecraft & More

Mostly I just wish Facebook was more like Google+.

Mostly I just wish Facebook was more like Google+.

Monday, April 9, 2018

FreeCAD often gets overshadowed by Blender.

FreeCAD often gets overshadowed by Blender. Both are complex by the nature of the options they offer the user. This blog explains why it took two years of development to get to version 0.17!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

The short version:

The short version:

* The mainstream support for Windows 7 (Service Pack 1) ended on January 13, 2015, and the extended support ends on January 14, 2020.
* The mainstream support for Windows 8.1 ends on January 9, 2018, and its extended support will end on January 10, 2023.
* The mainstream support for Windows 10 ends on October 13, 2020, and its extended support will end on October 14, 2025.

But you'll need to read the article to figure out what the difference between mainstream and extended support is.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Well that was a mini-adventure.

Well that was a mini-adventure. I found that it was far easier to put the RecRoom PC to "Sleep"than to shut it down. I tried the same thing with the Media PC, and couldn't get it to wake up!!!

I tried booting it several times but the monitor stayed blank! Finally I pressed the power button for more than 5 seconds until it was off, and unplugged it for 30 minutes. Plugged it back in and booted and it came back. I guess the older computer kit doesn't always work as it should. Won't do that again!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Not intending on adding Linux Mint to either PCs just yet.

Not intending on adding Linux Mint to either PCs just yet. This seems to show how, but it looks a lot like there are complications down the track.
#Windows #Linux# #DualBoot #Mint

Yesterday at the uni (and probably today and tomorrow) there was a robotics presentation in the main thoroughfare...

Yesterday at the uni (and probably today and tomorrow) there was a robotics presentation in the main thoroughfare of the Huxley building. Apart from a 3D printer silently making something, there were also a couple of stalls with products. One was for OZOBOTS - tiny golf ball sized robots that can be used to teach primary students programming and robotics!

Wow, when I was in primary school (in the 60s) we used to sing Seekers songs, not learn programming!!! It was a different time, one with NO calculators let along smart phones, so we learnt to to do long division and multiplication instead. I had a longish discussion with the presenter. It's likely that only about 1% of the primary students will followup on this stuff, to develop programming and/or robotic skills, but 1% is not bad. And for the rest, such an introduction will probably make them less disturbed by either.

Cool stuff.
#programming #robotics

Antimony is a computer-aided design (CAD) tool from a parallel universe in which CAD software evolved from Lisp...

Antimony is a computer-aided design (CAD) tool from a parallel universe in which CAD software evolved from Lisp machines rather than drafting tables.

It's also an experimental software package for computer-aided design. Objects are designed by linking nodes into a graph, where each node either creates a primitive shape or applies a transformation to one or more inputs.

I found the approach rather interesting.
#MacOS #Linux

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Probably harder NOT to apply.

Probably harder NOT to apply.

Originally shared by H George Tavakoli

Sunday, April 1, 2018

It's been an installing mad day for me. On the RecRoom Computer I've installed:

It's been an installing mad day for me. On the RecRoom Computer I've installed:

Adobe CS5
- Fireworks
- InDesign
Adobe CS6
- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- Flash
- Premier + associated apps

Dayton Leveller
Clip Studio Paint EX + update to 1.7.1

Getting functionality back. Admittedly the CS5 stuff was installed so I can recover pages and publications made in those, and export them to another format. I shall probably have to install PaintShopPro for the same reasons as well. Doesn't matter if it's old kit - it still works.

I'll probably also install Moho 12 (animator) and Substance Painter and call it it a day.

Golly, it seems CSP 1.7.3 was released back in January.

Golly, it seems CSP 1.7.3 was released back in January. I missed that as I have been drawing using this, or any other program lately. That might change soon.

4 Alternative Cloud Storage Solutions To Dropbox