
3d 3D Resources and Applications 3Deditortests 3dmodeling 3dmodelling 3dprinting 3dterrain abobe illustrator AC3D academic accessibility Addon adobeillustrator Adoboe aeontimeline Alphabet am amigaOS anamorphic android Android animation annoyances Anxiety ANYmal apple application Application References ApplicationReferences Applications apps AprilUpdate Archie] architecture archivefootage archives art ascii-art assistants astronomy atari Australia AutoRun b3d BBCNews Bipdeal blender Blender Blinded by Science! BlindedbyScience BostonDynamics braille Brave BSD c128 c64 cellPhoneTowers Centric chemistry Chrome chromeOS Clipstudio coding comic ComicNarrative comics commodore Computer Madness ComputerMadess ComputerMadness computers computing ConEmu console Consoles contours Copernicus Daria daylonleveller depopulation design designer diagrams digitalcomics digitalpainting digitaltag discovery_of_pulsars DIY docear doctorwho DOD drawing drawingsoftware drwho dualboot Earth ebooksfree ecosystems Edge Edit editing editors Electromagnetic Electrons emailclient endniote Energy Engineer Engineering excel exegesis exidy exporting facebook facebooksucks fake Fault fileutility firefox Firefox firefox57 Firestorm Flame flash free freeBSD freemium freeplane freesoftware freeware Friendica future Galileo generator Geocentric geos Ghost World ghosttownphotography GIF github Google google+ googleplus googleplussearch googleplustips graphics GRUB gui harddrive HarrissSpiral hashtag hashtags heightfield Heliocentric help HighandLowWeirdness history history_of_science HistoryOfScience homecomputer HomeNetwork import importing infographic inmoov interactivestory Intermittent internet Internet Stuff InternetStuff INternetStuff Ions iOS IOS ipad iphone ironman ISurfSocial java javascript Jenny Everywhere JocelynBellBurnell JudgementDay julesverne Knowhow kodi krita Krita LAS LASOpensimulator LASRandom LASTechnology Laura Ess Laura's Art LauraEss leveller levitation Libraries libreoffice linux Linux LinuxSnap LiveJournal mac macOS MacOS macOSX mangastudio5 mangastudioex5 maps MapSCII Match math mathart mathematics MaxOSX MediaPC memorial mesh MeWe microsoft microsoftexcel Microwave mindmapping mindmaps Mint MintKDE mobile modelrailways Molecules mono Motors mozilla Mozilla msdos MSNFeed msx Music NAS nasa natron NBN ncp NetNeutrality netradio Network NetworkStorage newzealand NikolaTesla nodejs npm NUC nz oldmachinery online onthisday open opensim opensimulator opensimulator terrain OpensimulatorLAS opensource opensourcesoftware openstreetmap Opera opml Orbit os outliner PaintToolSai PanicAttack password pc2 penrosetriangle pets photography photoorganizer photoshop physics Physics Planets plant plants Plasma png Podcast polyhedron Privacy processing programming projectmanagement PSRB1919 publicdomain Push pyromagnetic_electric_generator Q4OS quadrupedrobot quantum_mechanics Radiation radio RandomLAS raspberrypi reallife recovery RecRoomPC RemingtonRand research Retro retrocomputing reversenostalgi robos Robot robotic robotics Safari Sai SAVENETNEUTRALITY scalextric scapple science scienceeveryday ScienceGIF scitech Scooby Do ScoobyDoo screencapture Scrivener search searching SecondLife secondsgrid SecurityBreach SelfRighting server shapes sharing shopping simonastick Singularity sketchup SKYNET smartphone SocialMedia software Solar SolarSystem sorcerer sound sounds space spaceshuttle spectravideo Standing startrek steampunk strawhouse StudioPC subscription sweethome3d Synology tablet tags taskmanagement Technology TechnologyLAS Technomania tedtalks Terminator terrain texteditors TextFormatting textures TheFederation thunderbird todolist Tor trees TripleJ trolley tutorial twt UI UNIVAC universe update updates USA USB3 utility vector-tiles vectoreditor vectors vfx video videoediting videorecording viewer vintagecomputing Vivaldi vocorder Walking web Web webbrowser webcam webdevelopment werner_heisenberg WesternAustralia Widows Win10 Win10Install win7 Win7 windows Windows Windows10 Windows64 windows7 WindowsUpdate Wings3D WomensDay worldmap XnViewMP xport

Saturday, September 30, 2017

PotterDraw is a free 3D software application for designing and visualizing pottery.

PotterDraw is a free 3D software application for designing and visualizing pottery. It’s useful for creating cylindrical shapes such as pots, flasks, vases, bowls, plates, cups, glasses, goblets, or anything similar.

This exports 3D models as: color PLY file, monochrome STL file; or Wavefront OBJ file.

Friday, September 29, 2017

New User Interface

New User Interface
Still with AC3D’s famed ease-of-use, but with a new, smarter and customizable look that makes your models stand out.
Enhanced Rendering-to-Texture
For texture baking and ambient occlusion rendering
Choose what gets rendered with locking and hiding
New Material Editor and upgraded AC3D file format
Add text/comments to named materials
Mac version – ported to Cocoa
Drag and drop model files into AC3D
drop textures from the Finder straight onto an object

Ooh, they've updated it, back in January. Elsewhere in the forums I read that there's now Linux version as well (see

I've been meaning to commit to a 3D editor (most likely Blender) but maybe I should have a look at this and other editors. Let the tests begin!
#AC3D #3Deditortests

Sleep vending machine for public spaces and hotels

Sleep vending machine for public spaces and hotels
Sleepbox hotel module requires only 45 sq. ft
High-tech solutions to enrich users’ experiences
Highly customizable in features and design
Simple installation, requires only regular electric outlet.

I'm not sure just how much of a user's experience is enriched by this.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

How mean, ripping off that poor bot's legs!

How mean, ripping off that poor bot's legs!

Originally shared by Gadgetify

Snapbot Modular Legged Robot with 700 Configurations

Thanks to the generosity of a friend, I have a new toy to play with.

Thanks to the generosity of a friend, I have a new toy to play with. It's an Intel NUC and is about four times the size of my digital camera. I'm really excited about this. So far I have it hooked up to the Internet (this was posted on it) and my home group. I might just see how Opensim run on this.

You beauty! :D I've named it BLACK BOX 1.

PH[]r wh€n °/ou ree<| to +яanŝl/-\tε |3£t\A/£en &|\|9|_!s# a(\)d ][_eet, whi©}{ c/\n |oe d1ƒl²][cult 7o |]o...

PH[]r wh€n °/ou ree<| to +яanŝl/-\tε |3£t\A/£en &|\|9|_!s# a(\)d ][_eet, whi©}{ c/\n |oe d1ƒl²][cult 7o |]o m@/\\/ual1¥.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

I bought a ProTab (nee Pendo) 10.1" tablet yesterday.

I bought a ProTab (nee Pendo) 10.1" tablet yesterday. Office Works_ had a similar model, but it had Android 5 on it instead of Android 6, so I bought one at Target. _ for $10 more. It's still a comparable price to a Kindle, which was my benchmark. I wanted sometime to read eBooks and eComics with, and the screen on the 7" Pendo I already own was just too small for me to read clearly for long periods (blame the bifocals).

Not the sharpest tablet in the cabinet, but the screen is nice and clear, it does the job (once I've installed some readers) and I can add up to 64GB with a microSD card.

Linux admin goes for speed dating :)

Linux admin goes for speed dating :)

Would that be better or worse if it were all a MMORPG? I mean, like a HUGE No Man's Sky for real?

Would that be better or worse if it were all a MMORPG? I mean, like a HUGE No Man's Sky for real?

Originally shared by Judah Richardson

Computers execute complex functions based on rudimentary operations involving bits. Could the universe itself, at its deepest level, operate on the basis of similarly discrete digital rules? Such a scenario was speculated in the 1960s by innovative thinker Ed Fredkin, and later dubbed “It from Bit,” by the accomplished physicist John Wheeler. It has remained the focus of much debate surrounding the significance of cellular automata.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Install KDE utilities on Windows!

Install KDE utilities on Windows!



Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

7 Best Linux PDF Viewers — And Adobe Reader Is Just One Of Them

How to design believable fantasy beasts

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

How to design believable fantasy beasts

This may be one of those questions with no real answer.

This may be one of those questions with no real answer.

The more you know, the more amazing the world seems.

The more you know, the more amazing the world seems.

You need to pause this in the middle (before the solution) and have a long hard think.

You need to pause this in the middle (before the solution) and have a long hard think.

Will I be seeing the EMH or Vic Fontaine any time soon, I wonder?

Will I be seeing the EMH or Vic Fontaine any time soon, I wonder?
#science #startrek

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Also FREE!

Also FREE!

Originally shared by Open Culture

Download Theft! A History of Music, a New Free Graphic Novel Exploring 2,000 Years of Musical Borrowing

From 2006. The download page is at

From 2006. The download page is at
#comic #free

Wow this is pretty comprehensive as well.

Wow this is pretty comprehensive as well.

Very handy!

Very handy!

It's been a long time since I used this version of Ventura Desktop Publisher., which ran under DOS using an internal...

It's been a long time since I used this version of Ventura Desktop Publisher., which ran under DOS using an internal run-time of GEM. I almost remember the program fondly. Nowadays it's been "absorbed" into the CorelDRAW Graphics Suite (see

Apparently there was a revival of MSX computers in Korea in 2014, much like new issues of old game systems.

Apparently there was a revival of MSX computers in Korea in 2014, much like new issues of old game systems. Also see

Cool, though the look of this reminds me of GEOS.

Cool, though the look of this reminds me of GEOS.

Originally shared by

Who remembers these old school Linux distros?

I tried this back in the 1990s, and wanted to like it, but at the time it was so much easier to use DOS and XTREE to...

I tried this back in the 1990s, and wanted to like it, but at the time it was so much easier to use DOS and XTREE to sort stuff out. But thenthat was on an Atari PC2 XT, which have VEGA and a "massive" 20MB (yes, MB) hard drive!

Originally shared by Laura Ess

So who else used (or tried to use) GEOS / PC/GEOS / GeoWorks, back in the day? It sort of lost its point after MS Windows 3 was introduced.

I'm not sure about this. No doubt it happens but I see a degree of scare mongering in this article.

I'm not sure about this. No doubt it happens but I see a degree of scare mongering in this article.

Still backing up stuff.

Still backing up stuff. I have two disks to go for now. In the end I sped things up by using a Windows utility to copy the files quicker. It does work!

Philly company digitizes 25,000 old records and they're free to download — NewsWorks

There's a new feature in Facebook where if someone comments on your comment, it pops up a window a lot like a cht...

There's a new feature in Facebook where if someone comments on your comment, it pops up a window a lot like a cht window showing both. ell, as usual Facebook do as they please. Fortunately I found how to turn this feature OFF (see

The problem with Facebook in general, and both the Messenger Chat service and now this new thing, is that it's DESIGNED TO INTERRUPT YOU. And that's the biggest issue I have with it, and perhaps why it frustrates me so much. Hence my 4pm rule, which as a whole works quite well. If I wanted a Chat service, I would have stuck with bloody IRC!

It might look cool on a phone, but it looks BLOODY STUPID on a desktop.

It might look cool on a phone, but it looks BLOODY STUPID on a desktop.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

If we start our days by checking email, instagram, or the internet, we keep reinforcing the behavior of distraction...

If we start our days by checking email, instagram, or the internet, we keep reinforcing the behavior of distraction until it becomes our new habit. Some of the smartest behavioral scientist and designers in the world have worked really hard to make sure that their products are addictive, habit forming, and only provide you with a temporary sense of fulfillment so the you are always jonesing for your next fix.

I think that one of the biggest complaints I have about Facebook is how it's designed to exactly this, to distract and disrupt other stuff that I do. This is way perhaps my 4pm rule WORKS for me. It's also why I turned email updates and sound chimes OFF.

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Starting Your Day on the Internet Is Damaging Your Brain

'... Why Junk Food for the Brain is Toxic

If you woke up in the morning, smoked a cigarette, ate 2 donuts, and washed it down with 2 cups of coffee, it wouldn’t be surprising that your physical performance is subpar. You’re probably not going to go out and run 2 miles or win a prize fight after that kind of breakfast.

But when it comes to our brain, we’re not nearly as mindful about the idea that we should treat the information we consume like the food we eat.

“When you wake up you’re in this theta alpha state and you’re highly suggestible. Every like, comment, share, you get this dopamine fix and it’s literally rewiring your brain. What you’re smart device is doing especially if that’s the first thing you grab when you wake up and you’re in this alpha theta state, is rewiring your brain to be distracted.” — @Jim Kwik

If we start our days by checking email, instagram, or the internet, we keep reinforcing the behavior of distraction until it becomes our new habit. Some of the smartest behavioral scientist and designers in the world have worked really hard to make sure that their products are addictive, habit forming, and only provide you with a temporary sense of fulfillment so the you are always jonesing for your next fix. As Mark Manson so brilliantly said, cell phones are the new cigarettes, And a significant amount of what’s on the internet is nothing more than junk food for the brain.

Still chugging away backing up.

Still chugging away backing up. I was using Free Commander but have swapped to Mint and Krusader (which looks a LOT like Free Commander), because Linux will tell me if it's having trouble reading a disk, whereas Windows often won't.

And this screenshot? Um, there are somethings I've forgotten about, until now!

Friday, September 22, 2017

_An independent archive film and television channel

_An independent archive film and television channel
You can watch Talking Pictures TV on Virgin 445, Freesat 306, Freeview or Youview 81 or on the Sky digital satellite platform, channel 343._

Based in the UK.

I'm backing things up today.

I'm backing things up today. I'm backing up my "INCOMING" partition (containing software originals and updates, and other general downloads like textures, brushes, correspondence et al) to a 1TB external drive. I'm also backing up some very old external drives - so old that it's actually a hard drive in a case - with media files on them to a 2TB drive. And also, I'm going through my old CD and DVD backup disks (dating back to 1998) to another 1TB external drive.

With the last set, I should be able to fit most of the CDs (most of which contain digital photos) easily on the 1TB drive, and have more than enough space to backup my current set of images.

More on those three words.

More on those three words.

So who chooses the words?

So who chooses the words? There's a big difference between getting Bobsranch.driveway.nearhouse and crackden.vomitbucket.Bob.

Chinese is the only major language with nothing like an alphabet.

Chinese is the only major language with nothing like an alphabet. Unlike Thai or Japanese, it doesn’t even use consonant-vowel sequences written as a unit – alphasyllabaries – but consists of many and varied characters.

The fact that they DO have a working typewriter is impressive!!!

Imagine if we didn't have a zero number today.

Imagine if we didn't have a zero number today.

Originally shared by Ron Villejo

The advent of the concept of zero allowed numbers to be written efficiently and reliably. In turn, this allowed for effective record-keeping that meant important financial calculations could be checked retroactively, ensuring the honest actions of all involved. Zero was a significant step on the route to the democratisation of mathematics.

~Christian Yates

A Darwin Award waiting to happen?

A Darwin Award waiting to happen?

There are a bunch of other things we innocently share photos of on social media that can open us up to unnecessary...

There are a bunch of other things we innocently share photos of on social media that can open us up to unnecessary risk, including identity theft.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Seems they renamed themselves.

Seems they renamed themselves.

This non-commercial site provides 3D graphic artists with models of real gemstones, as well as jewelry related...

This non-commercial site provides 3D graphic artists with models of real gemstones, as well as jewelry related information for use in artwork. The models, tutorials and information are all free for any non-commercial us

That's a really specific purpose! This is an old site, but still interesting.

Good heavens, Stephen Gunnell, woulkd you drive this?

Good heavens, Stephen Gunnell, woulkd you drive this?

Tuesday, September 19, 2017



Debated sharing this one.

Debated sharing this one. Keepass have appeared on every free magazine disk full of programs that I've ever looked at in the last 6 years (most of which were borrowed from the library). That means it's well know, free, and the "Professional" edition runs on more than windows. But, I'm the sort of person who loses and forgets things, so I'd rather havea redundancy of passwords than a single repository. Currently I just use the built-in password manager in Firefox, but that means I need to use Firefox, and on my home PCs to make that work.

I might try downloading this and seeing what it can do, when I have the time.
#windows #macOS #linux #mono

WorldWind is a free, open source API for a virtual globe.

WorldWind is a free, open source API for a virtual globe. WorldWind allows developers to quickly and easily create interactive visualizations of 3D globe, map and geographical information. Organizations across the world use WorldWind to monitor weather patterns, visualize cities and terrain, track vehicle movement, analyze geospatial data, and educate people about the Earth.

Never heard of this before. It seems to have two things (at least) going for it, it's not Google (as much as I enjoy the use of their products), and it's by NASA.

And if you still reas RSS feeds, you might find this useful.

And if you still reas RSS feeds, you might find this useful.
#windows #macOS #linux

Want to listen to internet audio programs but can't when they are scheduled?

Want to listen to internet audio programs but can't when they are scheduled? This program lets you create your own custom online audio anytime, anywhere.
#windows #macOS #linux

Monday, September 18, 2017

Most of these seem fairly sensible.

Most of these seem fairly sensible. I want to know who uses butter to ease a burn - you may as well pop down to the chips shop and stick your hand in the friers!

The Gestetner Copier I used was a descendant of THIS.

The Gestetner Copier I used was a descendant of THIS. Mine was a manual copier where I had to crank each page out at a time. You had to have a good ink supply and you needed to check the pages coming out the other end for issues. No matter how neat I was, usually I'd end up with ink on my hands and elsewhere by the end of it all. Each stencil only printed one side of a sheet, and double sided pages needed a second run with the previously printed pages and the stencil for that side. There was usually anywhere between 1-5% attrition on a run before I finished.

The Cyclostyle was quite distinct from the Mimeograph (see Both used stencils to print pages, but stuff from a Cyclo was almost always in one colour ink (mainly BLACK) whereas Mimeo stuff (often used by schools) was often seen printed in several colours. That must have taken a another run through the mimeo with those sides using a second stenvil and a change of ink. Mimeo produced stuff always looked blurry.

Sometimes I miss those days. The fanzines (which started out as a gamezine running postal Diplomacy) required a certain degree of preparation and thinking, but mostly it was all straight out of the head unedited stuff, types and misspellings included for free. In many ways fanzines were one my first creative pursuits.

When it comes to retro keyboards, I used one of these (or something very like it) to make fanzines with way back in...

When it comes to retro keyboards, I used one of these (or something very like it) to make fanzines with way back in the 70s. No personal computers back then (not until 1977 or later) and I'd remove the ribbon and bang out pages on a special wax stencil, which would then be used on a Gestetner Duplicator to print ink on a page. It required a certain degree of force to cut the stencil properly, and after typing out a whole fanzine would often leave me with sore finger tips.

I miss the days when you could clean coffee out of a keyboard with a hair dryer.

I miss the days when you could clean coffee out of a keyboard with a hair dryer. I used to have an old Imperial manual typewriter. It was great for typing onto wax stencils which were then used to print fanzines via a Gestetner duplicator.

Friday, September 15, 2017

And how can you beat this?

And how can you beat this? I went there looking for shabby carpets, and I found them! Beware however, paid images lurk here as well, with links taking you to pay websites.

What a lovely collection of patterns at this site, especially the "grunge wallpaper".

What a lovely collection of patterns at this site, especially the "grunge wallpaper". The 60s patterns are best seen dishevilled and faded, probably never cleaned or replaced since they were bought on the cheap plastered all over the games room many years ago.

Some neato stuff here.

Some neato stuff here.

Download 3D models (often in multiple formats like Max, C4D, 3DS, OBJ, and Skp), and textures.

Download 3D models (often in multiple formats like Max, C4D, 3DS, OBJ, and Skp), and textures.

A smaller collection of free textures.

A smaller collection of free textures.

You can download 5 textures a day for free, otherwise you need a subscription.

You can download 5 textures a day for free, otherwise you need a subscription.

You can download up to 15 images for free every day.

You can download up to 15 images for free every day. If you need more or bigger images, you can purchase a credit pack or a subscription.

As always, with this collection of free images (and the collections I list in the next few posts), CHECK THE LICENSE...

As always, with this collection of free images (and the collections I list in the next few posts), CHECK THE LICENSE FIRST.

MB3D formulates dozens of nonlinear equations into an amazing range of fractal objects.

MB3D formulates dozens of nonlinear equations into an amazing range of fractal objects. The 3D rendering environment includes lighting, color, specularity, depth-of-field, shadow- and glow- effects; allowing the user fine control over the imaging effects.

Er, OK.
#windows #macOS

The Content Paradise website, which features content for stuff sold by Smith Micro (e.g.

The Content Paradise website, which features content for stuff sold by Smith Micro (e.g. Poser, Stuffit, et al) has had a rejigger. This link takes you to the free stuff page, which is full of models, textures, brushes and stuff, that might be useful to you.

To be honest I mostly buy Logitech 270s, or a Big-W brand called Be, but I miss some of the tactile feedback I used...

To be honest I mostly buy Logitech 270s, or a Big-W brand called Be, but I miss some of the tactile feedback I used to get on the old keyboards.

Interesting article.

Interesting article. Sometimes it wasn't exactly the software that made the difference, but a combination of that + hardware + the system in the background.

Originally shared by Matt Mansfield

Pretty nostalgic! How many of you wish some of these features would return?

I've always used something similar to the old Norton's Commander, since I used the DOS version on my old Atari PC.

I've always used something similar to the old Norton's Commander, since I used the DOS version on my old Atari PC. That included something called Servant Salamander (not free any more, see and current the Donator's version of Free Commander (see didn't know there were still versions of NC out and about. This one (not free either, you get a trial version) looks prettier than Midnight Commander, which is free and has cross-platform versions (see but for me, like the original NC, looks very garish!

Linux file managers like Dolphin (see are clearly inspired by NC, when pressing F3 toggles the number of panels you have. All the same Dolphin looks kind vague when compared to equivalent managers.

Opensource for Robots.

Opensource for Robots.

Lunchtime, doubly so.

Lunchtime, doubly so.

The Android version of XNView

The Android version of XNView

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Crazy, Wonderful Spacecraft Orbits



Originally shared by Laura Ess

And there's this, which is a Windows Explorer extension, and has a 30 day trial period.

And there's this, which is a Windows Explorer extension, and has a 30 day trial period. You can also get the standard version for "29" pounds/euros/dollars with more features, at, but the website isn't clear why you

I haven't tried this browser, but it looks like it has a version that runs on phones.

I haven't tried this browser, but it looks like it has a version that runs on phones.

GLC Player is another 3D object viewer.

GLC Player is another 3D object viewer. I always have trouble running this on my Win7 PCs. When I close it legitimately, I get an "GCL Player has stopped working" error message! Go figure.
#windows #MacOS #linux

Somehow I missed the massive rewrite and update of this last year!

Somehow I missed the massive rewrite and update of this last year!
#Windows64 #MacOS #LinuxSnap

Friday, September 8, 2017

Well, that's curious.

Well, that's curious. I finally got to look at the Studio PC. I removed a hard disk that I assumed was the faulty one and rebooted. Only I'd guess the wrong hard disk and it booted (to Linux) with the remaining two drives, including the hard drive that had gone offline earlier in the week! Just now I've hooked the one I removed and now all disks are working fine!

So what was the issue? Loose cable? Whatever, I'll leave the opensim stuff on RecRoom for now.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Ooh, I can now make Clip Studio Paint look like Paint Tool SAI, or anything else most likely!

Ooh, I can now make Clip Studio Paint look like Paint Tool SAI, or anything else most likely!

Now updated to 1.6.7!

Now updated to 1.6.7!

I use this a image manager lot in Windows, but it also comes in Mac and Linux flavours.

I use this a image manager lot in Windows, but it also comes in Mac and Linux flavours.

Originally shared by XnView

New version of #XnViewMP is available #photoorganizer -



Originally shared by Kenan Proffitt

#b3d #videoediting #vfx

OpenShot 2.4.0 Released!

Originally shared by OpenShot Video Editor

OpenShot 2.4.0 Released! Vastly improved stability, improved undo/redo history (now being saved inside each project file), new freeze and zoom menu, updated translations, and many bug fixes! Check out all the details!

Clonezilla is a partition and disk imaging/cloning program similar to True Image® or Norton Ghost®.

Clonezilla is a partition and disk imaging/cloning program similar to True Image® or Norton Ghost®. It helps you to do system deployment, bare metal backup and recovery.

I might need to use this if I replace a 1TB boot disk with a 2TB one. You can get it it from

he Free Manga Downloader (FMD) is an open source application written in Object-Pascal for managing and downloading...

he Free Manga Downloader (FMD) is an open source application written in Object-Pascal for managing and downloading manga from various websites.

I came across this while checking out Scrubus on Source Forge. Haven't used it yet. Are there Free Manga sources from which to download from? Who knew?

Scribus is an Open Source program that brings professional page layout to Linux, BSD UNIX, Solaris, OpenIndiana,...

Scribus is an Open Source program that brings professional page layout to Linux, BSD UNIX, Solaris, OpenIndiana, GNU/Hurd, Mac OS X, OS/2 Warp 4, eComStation, and Windows desktops with a combination of press-ready output and new approaches to page design.

I first used desktop publishing software (DPS) for my job in the Australian Bureau of Statistics as a publishing assistance - using DOS versions of MS Word & Ventura - way back in the early 90s. The last time I used desktop DPS proper, was maybe in 2014 (when I laid out a graphic novel for my Masters using InDesign). Since then I just haven't needed DPS, yet because I'm not publishing to paper. But you might.

I think this is fed by excessive reliance on social media, especially via smartphones, and the ignorance of privacy...

I think this is fed by excessive reliance on social media, especially via smartphones, and the ignorance of privacy issues by the people who use those.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Free images.

Free images.

But, but, I have a backyard!

But, but, I have a backyard!

I'd have to say that I use this free text editor editor the most.

I'd have to say that I use this free text editor editor the most. I find that being able to save and load sessions of files very handy when tinkering with the same stuff over and over again. Windows only.

If I had a job, or were younger, I might be worried.

If I had a job, or were younger, I might be worried.



Originally shared by Maurizio Poggio


Edison's actions were terribly commemorated in THIS, which is horribly funny despite itself:

Edison's actions were terribly commemorated in THIS, which is horribly funny despite itself:

Why Did Thomas Edison electrocute an elephant? (A Brief History Of Electricity)

When electricity was first generated commercially, there was a conflict of interests over whether AC or DC would be...

When electricity was first generated commercially, there was a conflict of interests over whether AC or DC would be the dominant form of transmission. Edison - who'd opened the Pearl Street Station in 1882 - backed DC, whereas Westinghouse backed AC. Mostly remembered today for the first use of the electric chair, and stunts involving electrocution of animals - infamously including an elephant.

With the opening of the Pearl Street station in lower Manhattan at 3 o'clock in the afternoon on 4 September 1882,...

With the opening of the Pearl Street station in lower Manhattan at 3 o'clock in the afternoon on 4 September 1882, Thomas Edison publicly presented a complete system of commercial electric lighting and power. The success of the Edison bulb created a demand for a source of power. It was this demand that led to the construction of the Pearl Street station and launched the modern electric utility industry. The Pearl Street station featured reliable central power generation, safe and efficient distribution, and a successful end use (that is, his long-lasting incandescent light bulb) at a price that competed with gas lighting.

However, as the article points out later it lost money for the first three years!

What the?

What the?

This music vid has the "right stuff".

This music vid has the "right stuff".

Monday, September 4, 2017

I backed up everything on the O: network drive - which has sat on the Studio PC and has all my Opensim stuff - to...

I backed up everything on the O: network drive - which has sat on the Studio PC and has all my Opensim stuff - to an external drive last night. This morning I copied the grids over to the RecRoom PC, and maybe tomorrow I'll see about fixing the Seconds grid.

And, when I have lots of time, I'll see if I can diagnose what's wrong with the Studio PC. I got to thinking last night and it might just be the case that that PC has killed every Drive1 put in it (it boots off Drive0). If I'm lucky it's just something dumb, like a power or interface cable on the blink. If not, it may be time to retire the thing.

Actually, I wonder if it's time to consider salvage stuff from the Studio PC and build another one?

Actually, I wonder if it's time to consider salvage stuff from the Studio PC and build another one? This is the same PC that ATE MY MASTERS. It can't be coincidence that at least two drives have been ruined on this PC. Maybe the fault lies somewhere on the motherboard or power supply (which was also replaced).

Might be time to BACKUP what I can.


URK! There's something very wrong with my Studio PC - again! I was having difficulty with the Seconds Grid. I attempted to convert it to the Hypergrid, but that didn't work, for some reason. So, I tried to restore it back to a Standalone grid, and that didn't work either!

I could run the grid, but kept getting an Avatar already logged o, try again in a few minutes message. Er, what? I searched on line and couldn't find anything helpful about that. And then the screen went crazy and everything froze. I had to do a cold rebott, and then I discovered that Disk1 is NOT THERE, at least least not according to Windows! It's late in the day, and I think I'd do something stupid if I tried to fix that.

So instead, I thought I'd try backing up Master Builder's (the default avatar I use) inventory and save an OAR of the Buggle Beta Base, which I worked on over the weekend. Got messages like this:

19:23:32 - [INVENTORY ARCHIVER]: The items to save reference 22717 possible assets
19:23:32 - [INVENTORY ARCHIVER]: 458 of these have problems or are not assets and will be ignored

Urk. Time to finish up and go to bed. 😭

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Some things are more subjective than you think.

Some things are more subjective than you think.

Well now, I have the laptop connecting while booted to Mint (no Wifi yet).

Well now, I have the laptop connecting while booted to Mint (no Wifi yet). Transpired I couldn't install KRITA on the Windows boot (needs at least Win7) so I've installed MyPaint on both boots instead, This is mainly just for doing sketches using a graphics tablet sometime.

Firefox is now synced as well. Very handy. It also runs smoother under Mint than Vista! :P

Well, I now have Firefox on the laptop running and synced.

Well, I now have Firefox on the laptop running and synced. Handy, because once I get the Wifi running I'll be able to take it outside and browse stuff.

I'm finally getting around to configuring my Dell Latitude e5400 laptop.

I'm finally getting around to configuring my Dell Latitude e5400 laptop.

I was given this laptop to use by my university during my Masters. Provided I finished that I was entitled to keep it. I did finish the Masters and it's mine, but it had to be reformatted from Windows XP to (of all things) Windows Vista. Last year I investigated if I could upgrade any of the hardware but apparently that's unlikely or uneconomical. So it's been sitting in the Studio for a whole year, gathering dust.

As pitiful as it might seem nowadays, I do have a use for it, as a Netbook. But although Tech Support had formatted it as Vista, they didn't install any drivers other than what came with that install, so no WiFi or Modem access. Yesterday I went to the Dell site and found the drivers for each, and now it connects to my home network and the Internet. A few months back I installed KDE Mint as a dual boot on it but I might try updating that as well.

Otherwise, I just want to install versions of Firefox, and some Seondlife/Hypergrid viewers on it, and I'll be happy. I might add a version of Paint Tool Sai and/or Krita, but that'll be it.

The trouble with Gallaher’s Cigarettes tips is that often - like the makeshift fire extinguisher - you're probably...

The trouble with Gallaher’s Cigarettes tips is that often - like the makeshift fire extinguisher - you're probably not likely to remember it in a hurry!

Maillardet's Automaton