
3d 3D Resources and Applications 3Deditortests 3dmodeling 3dmodelling 3dprinting 3dterrain abobe illustrator AC3D academic accessibility Addon adobeillustrator Adoboe aeontimeline Alphabet am amigaOS anamorphic android Android animation annoyances Anxiety ANYmal apple application Application References ApplicationReferences Applications apps AprilUpdate Archie] architecture archivefootage archives art ascii-art assistants astronomy atari Australia AutoRun b3d BBCNews Bipdeal blender Blender Blinded by Science! BlindedbyScience BostonDynamics braille Brave BSD c128 c64 cellPhoneTowers Centric chemistry Chrome chromeOS Clipstudio coding comic ComicNarrative comics commodore Computer Madness ComputerMadess ComputerMadness computers computing ConEmu console Consoles contours Copernicus Daria daylonleveller depopulation design designer diagrams digitalcomics digitalpainting digitaltag discovery_of_pulsars DIY docear doctorwho DOD drawing drawingsoftware drwho dualboot Earth ebooksfree ecosystems Edge Edit editing editors Electromagnetic Electrons emailclient endniote Energy Engineer Engineering excel exegesis exidy exporting facebook facebooksucks fake Fault fileutility firefox Firefox firefox57 Firestorm Flame flash free freeBSD freemium freeplane freesoftware freeware Friendica future Galileo generator Geocentric geos Ghost World ghosttownphotography GIF github Google google+ googleplus googleplussearch googleplustips graphics GRUB gui harddrive HarrissSpiral hashtag hashtags heightfield Heliocentric help HighandLowWeirdness history history_of_science HistoryOfScience homecomputer HomeNetwork import importing infographic inmoov interactivestory Intermittent internet Internet Stuff InternetStuff INternetStuff Ions iOS IOS ipad iphone ironman ISurfSocial java javascript Jenny Everywhere JocelynBellBurnell JudgementDay julesverne Knowhow kodi krita Krita LAS LASOpensimulator LASRandom LASTechnology Laura Ess Laura's Art LauraEss leveller levitation Libraries libreoffice linux Linux LinuxSnap LiveJournal mac macOS MacOS macOSX mangastudio5 mangastudioex5 maps MapSCII Match math mathart mathematics MaxOSX MediaPC memorial mesh MeWe microsoft microsoftexcel Microwave mindmapping mindmaps Mint MintKDE mobile modelrailways Molecules mono Motors mozilla Mozilla msdos MSNFeed msx Music NAS nasa natron NBN ncp NetNeutrality netradio Network NetworkStorage newzealand NikolaTesla nodejs npm NUC nz oldmachinery online onthisday open opensim opensimulator opensimulator terrain OpensimulatorLAS opensource opensourcesoftware openstreetmap Opera opml Orbit os outliner PaintToolSai PanicAttack password pc2 penrosetriangle pets photography photoorganizer photoshop physics Physics Planets plant plants Plasma png Podcast polyhedron Privacy processing programming projectmanagement PSRB1919 publicdomain Push pyromagnetic_electric_generator Q4OS quadrupedrobot quantum_mechanics Radiation radio RandomLAS raspberrypi reallife recovery RecRoomPC RemingtonRand research Retro retrocomputing reversenostalgi robos Robot robotic robotics Safari Sai SAVENETNEUTRALITY scalextric scapple science scienceeveryday ScienceGIF scitech Scooby Do ScoobyDoo screencapture Scrivener search searching SecondLife secondsgrid SecurityBreach SelfRighting server shapes sharing shopping simonastick Singularity sketchup SKYNET smartphone SocialMedia software Solar SolarSystem sorcerer sound sounds space spaceshuttle spectravideo Standing startrek steampunk strawhouse StudioPC subscription sweethome3d Synology tablet tags taskmanagement Technology TechnologyLAS Technomania tedtalks Terminator terrain texteditors TextFormatting textures TheFederation thunderbird todolist Tor trees TripleJ trolley tutorial twt UI UNIVAC universe update updates USA USB3 utility vector-tiles vectoreditor vectors vfx video videoediting videorecording viewer vintagecomputing Vivaldi vocorder Walking web Web webbrowser webcam webdevelopment werner_heisenberg WesternAustralia Widows Win10 Win10Install win7 Win7 windows Windows Windows10 Windows64 windows7 WindowsUpdate Wings3D WomensDay worldmap XnViewMP xport

Sunday, December 30, 2018

When he figured out how to recycle e-waste from China into “restore discs” used to reinstall Windows software onto...

When he figured out how to recycle e-waste from China into “restore discs” used to reinstall Windows software onto crashed hard drives, Microsoft took him to court, claiming he cost the company millions of dollars in lost sales.

Friday, December 28, 2018

My cynical self imagines rather a kind of post-apocalyptic Mad Max world, where our school bullies become sadistic...

My cynical self imagines rather a kind of post-apocalyptic Mad Max world, where our school bullies become sadistic local warlords. In European history, the thousand years after the fall of the Roman Empire, which featured highly distributed power structures are called the dark middle ages for good reasons.

An article about why distributed social media won't fix everything wrong with some platforms. Quoting history like this might not the most sensible thing, though I've seen some Horrible History sketches that have historical folk using social media!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Searx is a free metasearch engine, available under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, with the aim of...

Searx is a free metasearch engine, available under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, with the aim of protecting the privacy of its users. To this end, Searx does not share users' IP addresses or search history with the search engines from which it gathers results. Tracking cookies served by the search engines are blocked, preventing user-profiling-based results modification.

Sick of Google? Try this.

Estimated time of release for Windows version is Q2 in 2019.

Estimated time of release for Windows version is Q2 in 2019.
#Windows #Scrivener

I grew up with multiple pets, as in one dog, several cats, ducks, and budgies!

I grew up with multiple pets, as in one dog, several cats, ducks, and budgies!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Trial participants will have been declared certified dead and kept alive solely through life support machines.

Trial participants will have been declared certified dead and kept alive solely through life support machines. “This represents the first trial of its kind and another step towards the eventual reversal of death in our lifetime,” said CEO of Bioquark Inc., Ira Pastor. The team, who was granted ethical permission from an Institutional Review Board at the National Institutes of Health in the US and India to begin trials on 20 subjects, is looking to recruit patients for its ReAnima Project as soon as possible.

Those "Scientists" are at it again!!!!

But doesn't he know that NATURE ABHORS A VACUUM?!!

But doesn't he know that NATURE ABHORS A VACUUM?!!

xkcd: 2016 Conversation Guide

Friday, December 14, 2018

Facebook on Friday revealed that a major software bug may have allowed third-party apps to wrongly access the photos...

Facebook on Friday revealed that a major software bug may have allowed third-party apps to wrongly access the photos of up to 6.8 million users, including images that people began uploading to the site but didn’t post publicly.

They're at it again!
#SecurityBreach #Facebook

Thursday, December 13, 2018

I'm annoyed with the publishers of Scrivener.

I'm annoyed with the publishers of Scrivener. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a good program for me to use to write with.

But, they released version 3 of it for the Mac well over a year ago, with a promise of catching up with the Windows version soon. So for now I've been using a BETA version of that to work on my script, and when it starts you get a popup saying that the software will expire at a certain date.Until two days ago that was 15th December. I checked for an update and installed it and now it's next year! The publisher's page reads:

Scrivener 3 isn’t quite ready for Windows yet, but here’s the good news:
If you buy Scrivener 1 for Windows now, you’ll get a free update to version 3 when it’s available. Existing users of Scrivener 1 will be able to purchase Scrivener 3 for the discounted price of $25 when the time comes. We don’t have a specific release date yet, other than stating Scrivener 3 for Windows will be available during Q2 in 2019.

Gah, well at least I'll get that eventually!

The Independent

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

So I have found a very helpful Firefox addon to help me format text in BBCODE.

So I have found a very helpful Firefox addon to help me format text in BBCODE. "What!", you say, "why would you need that??!!" Some social media platforms, like Friendica, use BBCODE to format their text. Not just things like bold, italic and overscore such as G+, but headings, links, videos et cetera. It reminds me of my old LIVEJOURNAL days and I like that.

Anyway, EDIT (at adds a sidebar for extra formatting and search and replace, which should work on any plaintext text field. Select the text and press the button. And if you need more BBCODES, you can add lots of custom ones which are then accessed by selecting the Custom _ _ _ _ _ which shows a drop-up list (as per the 2nd image below). Those custom codes can also be exported and import to/from a text file.

Very nice. My Friendica posts are going to be more formatted from now on.
#Firefox #Addon #Edit

Many people are wringing their hands about Microsoft partnering with Google to gain control over the Internet.

Many people are wringing their hands about Microsoft partnering with Google to gain control over the Internet. But Microsoft abandoning the EdgeHTML browser engine is awesome news. Microsoft’s EdgeHTML was the last closed-source browser engine. Now, all the browser engines will be open-source.

I think it's been inevitable for some time. The article at also confirms that.

Monday, December 10, 2018

A privacy flaw that inadvertently exposed the names, email addresses, ages and other personal information of 52.5...

A privacy flaw that inadvertently exposed the names, email addresses, ages and other personal information of 52.5 million Google Plus users last month convinced Google to close the service in April instead of August, as previously announced. Google revealed the new closure date and its latest privacy lapse in a Monday blog post .

Well, I'm pretty much settled over at MeWe and Friendica. The votes aren't in for staying with Diaspora.

Friday, December 7, 2018

A 2014 New Scientist article.

A 2014 New Scientist article.

You know that when folk start quoting a dictionary or encyclopedia - like folk who talk of "Quantum physics" - that...

You know that when folk start quoting a dictionary or encyclopedia - like folk who talk of "Quantum physics" - that they've been using secondary and tertiary sources, not the original. The trouble with that is a tendency to cherry-pick snippets that you like and ignore stuff you don't like.

Some of the stuff in this video will happen, but not necessarily the way it's presented.

Under the new laws, security agencies have greater powers to get at the encrypted messages of criminal suspects — in...

Under the new laws, security agencies have greater powers to get at the encrypted messages of criminal suspects — in some cases they can demand companies build new capabilities to allow them access. Labor members called the bill flawed during debate on Thursday, but the Opposition later pulled its amendments at the last minute and voted to support the Government.

Dr Karl's science hour on triple j is the station’s longest running segment, loved as much today as it ever has been.

Dr Karl's science hour on triple j is the station’s longest running segment, loved as much today as it ever has been. Every Thursday, Dr Linda and Dr Karl solve the mysteries of the world, with science. Only triple j listeners could come up with questions as hairy as these.
#Podcast #Science #TripleJ

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

A tank, but not as we know it.

A tank, but not as we know it.

Having fun adding a new 4TB drive to my NAS.

Having fun adding a new 4TB drive to my NAS.

I opening up the interior and discovered that I'd missed placed the unused bracket (I'd left Volume 2 empty). I removed Vol 4, which was throwing "Disk 4 on DS418j connected to RainbowHaven has bad sectors exceeding the limit" all the time. But it's an older 1.5TB drive meant for bog standard PCs, not a NAS. Then I inserted the new drive as Vol 2 in that bracket. And now I can't remember how to initialise it!

Oh well, it's not that it lacks documentation and online help - time to read the effing manual!

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Wings3D 2.2.1 released - new PBR render and material changes are the most relevant addition to this version as well...

Wings3D 2.2.1 released - new PBR render and material changes are the most relevant addition to this version as well as the experimental boolean functionality. Checkout the announcement for details about that.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Good question

Good question

Raids mounted on fake Indian tech support centres

There are good reasons to do so.

There are good reasons to do so.

Ceptre can be viewed as an explication of a new methodology for understanding games based on linear logic, a formal...

Ceptre can be viewed as an explication of a new methodology for understanding games based on linear logic, a formal logic concerned with resource usage. We present a correspondence between gameplay and proof search in linear logic, building on prior work on generating narratives. In Ceptre, we introduce the ability to add interactivity selectively into a generative model, enabling inspection of intermediate states for debugging and exploration as well as a means of play.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Because I'm already committed to using Scrivener but it's been a couple of years since I last used it (for my...

Because I'm already committed to using Scrivener but it's been a couple of years since I last used it (for my Masters of Fine Art), I'm working my way through this tutorial.

This time around I got to the bit where you actually write a script using the Screenwriting feature (where it creates a list of standard format options for you to pick) and I discovered that what was in the tutorial [a PAGE ($N)] wasn't on mine! Oops. Done something wrong along the way. However it reinforces the potential ease I saw in Scrivener for breakdowns. You write a general outline, then cut chunks of that over to "Index Cards", and then fill in the scenes that each Index Cards represents.

Sounds complicated but it isn't, and even though I screwed up doing the tutorial, I know I've got the right application for me, so "round two" after lunch!

er, if you say so.

er, if you say so.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

With ThinkComposer you can apply the power of comprehensive visual documents to get the job done and work better.

With ThinkComposer you can apply the power of comprehensive visual documents to get the job done and work better. Your flowcharts, concept maps, models and other kind of diagrams can be much more than just embedded images in text-docs or presentations, they can represent the insights and knowledge of your very specialized domain or environment.

Good heavens!!!

Some even work under other platforms.

Some even work under other platforms.
#Linux #Windows #MacOs

Monday, November 26, 2018

This site has a list of individual bricks, and sets, compatible with LEGO, for 3D printing.

This site has a list of individual bricks, and sets, compatible with LEGO, for 3D printing. Have no idea what LEGO thinks of this!

Sunday, November 25, 2018



AvPainter - SL Clothes Design and Preview Tool - Full Version Version 1.7.4

AvPainter - SL Clothes Design and Preview Tool - Full Version Version 1.7.4
If you're on Second Life or on OPenSim and still have an SL account, it seems you can get this from teh Second Life Marketplace for free. Product page is You have to rez it in a sandbox that runs scripts. I haven't got mine to work, yet.
#SecondLife #OpenSimulator #Windows

I'm still on at least a couple of platforms which I discovered, you couldn't quit from.

I'm still on at least a couple of platforms which I discovered, you couldn't quit from. The workaround was to change my emailing preferences so nothing got sent to me.

Friday, November 23, 2018

A "better' Courier font, in TTF format, and it's free.

A "better' Courier font, in TTF format, and it's free. Actually, there's 5 free fonts top download: Courier Prime, Courier Prime sans, Courier Prime Code, Courier Prime Cyrillic; and Courier Prime Medium & Semi-Bold; and they come in italic as well.

Friday, November 16, 2018

I borrowed this from Lake Macquarie Libraries recently.

I borrowed this from Lake Macquarie Libraries recently. A good graphic novel, with a Tintin / Snowey analogue to assist you in understanding the implications

Solar panels could increase productivity on pastures that are not irrigated and even water-stressed, a new study...

Solar panels could increase productivity on pastures that are not irrigated and even water-stressed, a new study finds. The new study published in PLOS One by researchers at Oregon State College finds that grasses and plants flourish in the shade underneath solar panels because of a significant change in moisture.


I suspect that it will be a "dumb" AI that might do this.

I suspect that it will be a "dumb" AI that might do this.

This sort of explains it, but I must watch it properly later.

This sort of explains it, but I must watch it properly later. I was gob-smacked by the narrator unfolding the cube!!!! :P

This video does make it seem that Blender 2.8 is a lot easier to use!

This video does make it seem that Blender 2.8 is a lot easier to use!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

...a smart toy replica of the AI robotic weapons platform that appears in the animation "Ghost in the Shell", is...

...a smart toy replica of the AI robotic weapons platform that appears in the animation "Ghost in the Shell", is fully movable and can move around by it’s own robotic feet and wheels. It is the first Ghost in the Shell product,(*) with the perspective of the world of "Ghost in the Shell S.A.C." that realizes electric movability of each joint, pod, manipulator, and wheel. It features a speech recognition function that allows users to communicate with TACHIKOMA in natural language, reproduces the "synchronization" ability between all other TACHIKOMA(s) and has a walking/running function controlled via smartphon

And just in case you thought you were being left out...

Powered by a 65-hp twin-cylinder Hirth engine, its nine-blade axial-flow ducted fan propels the craft up to 45 mph...

Powered by a 65-hp twin-cylinder Hirth engine, its nine-blade axial-flow ducted fan propels the craft up to 45 mph and 9" off the ground without harming grass, allowing immediate crossing of a pond or stream to follow-up a cross-water shot.

For aspiring Bond Villains, maybe?

Two water jets mounted behind rotating louvers at the front of the vehicle provide steering and lift and propellers...

Two water jets mounted behind rotating louvers at the front of the vehicle provide steering and lift and propellers at the rear provide forward movement up to 2 knots at depths down to 33'. The two built-in scuba tanks and diving regulators allow two people to remain underwater for an hour. The zero-emission vehicle uses a 54 kW 160 NM electric motor powered by six 48-volt Lithium-ion batteries, allowing it to reach a maximum speed of 75 mph

Monday, November 12, 2018

Thursday, November 8, 2018

So my RecRoom PC has turned itself off again.

So my RecRoom PC has turned itself off again. I was running SANSAR which was updating itself. I went out 6he back to feed the pets and when I came back it was OFF.

I may be able to check the temperature that the CPU was at, as I found a* log function* on a monitoring utility I was running on it (it adds to a log at certain intervals) , but I suspect the issue's one of updating the graphics card driver.

Sansar is graphically demanding, but I'll check log any way (if I can find it) after dinner.

AC3D has a new beta version update which is now 64 bit so that you can enjoy working on larger models (requires a 64...

AC3D has a new beta version update which is now 64 bit so that you can enjoy working on larger models (requires a 64 bit operating system).

Monday, November 5, 2018



Rather than being carried to Heaven in an instant, the crippled vessel kept sailing upward for another three miles...

Rather than being carried to Heaven in an instant, the crippled vessel kept sailing upward for another three miles before its momentum gave out, then plunged 12 miles to the ocean. The crew was, in all likelihood, conscious for the full two and a half minutes until it hit the water.

I heard about this for the first time last night watching an episode of SECONDS TO DISASTER that mentioned that the crew section was recovered intact and that at least three emergency air supplies had been activated. So someone was alive for a while, but the impact of the crew section hitting the ocean would have killed everyone. VERY UPSETTING.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Friday, November 2, 2018

Yet another spontaneous power-down!

Yet another spontaneous power-down!!! Once again this happened while I was using FirestormOS x64 viewer with the Seconds grid. The other day I spent most of the day using the Singularity viewer doing exactly the same stuff and no power downs. My guess is still a driver issue with the graphics card.

I might try using Firestorm at a slightly lower graphics level, or just stick to using Singularity. I'm only laying roads and rails at this stage.
#Firestorm #Singularity #Windows10

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Bforartists is made for everybody.

Bforartists is made for everybody. Hobbyists, indie developers and professionals. It gives you a low entry barrer for beginners, and the full power for advanced users.

A fork of BLENDER with lots of extras.

What the hell Windows 10 - why did you install this????

What the hell Windows 10 - why did you install this????

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

On the heels of Voyager 1's historic 2012 breakout from our solar system its twin, Voyager 2, has begun to detect...

On the heels of Voyager 1's historic 2012 breakout from our solar system its twin, Voyager 2, has begun to detect signs that it too may be on the verge of entering interstellar space and crossing over to the great galactic beyond.

Socialhome allows you to build a rich profile that federates across the federated social web.

Socialhome allows you to build a rich profile that federates across the federated social web. Your content will be available to tens of thousands of users that you can also follow and interact with their content. The code is open source under the AGPLv3 license hosted on GitLab. There is also a mirror available on GitHub.

They lost me at the first page! What the?

Friday, October 26, 2018

It would be so easy for me to think that working on the Seconds Grid might be "cursed".

It would be so easy for me to think that working on the Seconds Grid might be "cursed". In the last week the grid was acting crazy for reasons that were not apparent. My suspicions were several scripted buoys were going nuts for some reason, because they were both physical and phantom, but that was never confirmed. Eventually the problem was tracked down to something happening in Urbania-East.

However this morning it ran (after a couple of glitches). It just ran. I thought "great, now to get on with the building" but twice now while I was logged on via Firestorm on the RecRoom PC, that PC just shut down with no warning. Um, but, but but....

In truth I've been having issues with all three PCs on the network since the last Windows 10 update. The NUC (where the grid lived) had been the least obvious because mostly I run the grid on it and otherwise mostly leave it alone. But the Media PC decided to re-show Cortana, and mysteriously would reset the keyboard options to US International, for no reason!!!! The RecRoom PC's most obvious glitch was that at times it would go to screen saver or a blank screen, and not come back. I couldn't get the sign-on screen to come back. I've researched this and tried various things and nothing has changed. Part of the issue is probably the fact that the RecRoom PC has a custom graphics card in it. And today it just turned itself off using the viewer.

There will be a fix, no doubt. The good thing is because it was only the PC that I was running the viewer, and not the one with running the grid server, so the builds were not lost. But this all takes time to sort out. Frustration.

Grrr, Windows update. Grrr, damn you Micro$oft!
#Windows #Windows10 #Intermittent #Fault

Monday, October 22, 2018

how perceptive.

how perceptive.

Originally shared by Patrick Lear

Friday, October 19, 2018

Yes, but only if they buy into social media platforms uncritically and expect only good things from them.

Yes, but only if they buy into social media platforms uncritically and expect only good things from them.

Originally shared by Rupam Nayak


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Been thinking about consistent hashtag usage over in the new platforms, and will probably settle for this bunch,...

Been thinking about consistent hashtag usage over in the new platforms, and will probably settle for this bunch, which mirror the collections I have here in G+.

#APaganHeart #Americana #ApocryphalTales #ApplicationNotes #ArtyCraftyCleverStuff #Australiana #BlindedbyScience #BlinkDetected #BogusStuff #ComicNarratives #InterWebCompuMadness #CuriousPasttimes #FaanishStuff #Flatliners #HighandLowWeirdness #LauraEss1957 #ListenUP #MemeGirls #PicsPiecesAndPlaces #QueerStuff #RainbowHaven #SecondsGrid #SoundAndVision #VideoMania #VirtualDestinations #WhatsThisFoolishness

Mostly, this is for my benefit, but some of these, like Apocryphal Tales, have been with me from before the Internet and anything remotely like a hashtag. That one comes from old paper fanzines from the 70s and 80s. Not to be confused with other more common tags. Two or three tags ought to suffice, and rather than explain what the tags above mean, it'd work better by demonstrating it by usage. Anyone familiar with me from G+ knows that Rainbow Haven is the name of my home, so f that's in the post it's about me and mine.

And, I suspect that with posting this list on those platforms puts the tags into the system, so that in future it'll be easier for me to pick them when making posts. Maybe. Who knows. Can I lie down now? ;-)

#InterWebCompuMadness #hashtags

I just discovered that Friendica used BBCODE to format text! Gosh, showing it's origins, perhaps?

I just discovered that Friendica used BBCODE to format text! Gosh, showing it's origins, perhaps?
#Friendica #TextFormatting

Monday, October 15, 2018

MeWe is definitely in he lead for the place I'm most likely to be after G+.

MeWe is definitely in he lead for the place I'm most likely to be after G+. Lots of folk I know here are turning up there, including three groups moving there. And today one of the folk moving there (shawnkmaloney OSWRS) successfully tested wiki markup for text formatting. That makes a difference! I likes me bold underlined italic I does!

Good heavens - markdown code on a Friendica share!!! Run away, run away!!!

Good heavens - markdown code on a Friendica share!!! Run away, run away!!!

Then again, back in the 90s I taught myself EPS code simply by seeing what it printed when sent to a printer (this was for work, as a statistical graph needed some tweaking before print) !! Hidden features here, obviously.

The link is to the Paull Allen RIP, which I've just shared in my Flatliners collection.

Cool stuff.

Cool stuff.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Damn I like G+ collections, and this is my idea of a work-around when G+ is gone.

Damn I like G+ collections, and this is my idea of a work-around when G+ is gone.

Originally shared by Laura Ess

I've been trying to find an equivalent of G+ Collections. None of the other platforms have anything like it exactly (though I've suggested an equivalent on the Diaspora development forums as a "Digest" feature). It maybe that my answer is not the same functionality, but careful use of hashtags.

For example, if everything I post has a #LauraEss tag, regardless of where it's posted, I should be able to find all my posts by searching for that tag. Likewise if I'm posting to a particular topic, perhaps I can use a "personal prefix" (or suffix to the tag. For example, if my prefix is #LAS (the "A" in the middle of LAS stands for my middle name) then perhaps the topics of Technology, Opensimulator and Random would then be #LASTechnology, #LASOpensimulator and #LASRandom, or maybe #TechnologyLAS, #OpensimulatorLAS and #RandomLAS. I'm not sure whether a prefix or suffix is better or easier to use.

There might be various ways of making this work. I mostly use Firefox and one add-on called Clippings allows me to organise and insert text into any plain-text field in a browser. This means that I could set-up a category of the hashtags I'm most likely to use, and inserting them in three clicks of the mouse. This is where a prefix or suffix might make a difference. If I use a preffix then I need #LAS and a list of topics without # in front (otherwise I'd get #LAS#Technology). But if I use a suffix I'd have a regular list of hashtags (e.g #Technology) plus perhaps two versions of my shorthand tag - #LAS for my own posts, and LAS for a suffix - or I could just type the bloody thing in since it's the same number of key strokes! That would also suggest changing my tag from #LauraEss to #LAS anyway, or maybe using #LauraEss for posts about personal stuff only.

Anyway, the point of this is that so far, every other platform I've looked at uses hashtags - they're universal. Some are a bit different in that they allow underscores and dashes, but a hashtag with alpha or numeric characters and no spaces is universal. And that means that if you move to a platform that also allows you to repost to other platforms, you've already encoded an easy way of finding them later.

I've been thinking in terms of using a browser add-on because I use social media only via desktops, but I'm guessing the same thing could be done on phones by repetitive use and predictive text with enough use. Or maybe you have have a clipboard / template app on your desktop or phone that does the same. The point is consistent tagging for future retrieval.

What do you think, is this a good idea? Can you think of any drawbacks?

Saturday, October 13, 2018

So, I normally use FIREFOX as a browser.

So, I normally use FIREFOX as a browser. It's reasonably good (with hiccups), but I've found that the social media platforms run better under OPERA (particularly MeWe and MINDS), so I'm moving my social media stuff over to that. Not Facebokk however as that runs like shit on O.

I've finally been checking out MINDS this morning.

I've finally been checking out MINDS this morning. The pluses: simple, easy to just post stuff, you can add images and videos which aren't cropped. The minuses: where's the HELP?; not text formatting (I like bolding italics with strikethrus ; blatant commercialism promoting post boosting (just like Facebook); and an almost stroboscopic feed that disturbs me, and it's not obvious apart from hashtags how one collates posts together.

All my posting would have to be done on my channel to avoid that. Might be useful if I can post to it from something else.

Hurrah - finally got Thunderbird working properly on the RecRoom computer.

Hurrah - finally got Thunderbird working properly on the RecRoom computer. This means I don't ONLY have to use the Media PC for email! That was great for casual browsing, but cramped for reading small text.

I finally figured it was a Windows sharing issue on the NAS folder I was using to store it. D'Oh!

Friday, October 12, 2018

Frankly I find voting like this on social media (with the exception of polls on G+, which are most fun only) to be a...

Frankly I find voting like this on social media (with the exception of polls on G+, which are most fun only) to be a WANK. Such votes make a number of assumption about who's using social media and how often.

I'm probably an exception, but I don't use Twitter and don't have social media on my phone. If a vot is important, put it officially to the voting pool, not in some transient steam of comment easily subject to trolling, bots and other crap.

Disturbing either way.

Disturbing either way.

A google spreadsheet that compares the features of alternatives to G+ (which is also listed).

A google spreadsheet that compares the features of alternatives to G+ (which is also listed). So far I've looked at Diaspora, Minds (which I might exit from), and Friendica. I might replace Minds with MeWe if it's any good. But you have to use a platform to get a sense of it. Minds looks unmanageable to me, which is why MeWe coould be a better. Various OpenSim and DoctorWho communities are moving to MeWe so it might pay for me to follow.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

I may need to tweek my profile on Friendica!!!

I may need to tweek my profile on Friendica!!!

And, there's always THIS:

And, there's always THIS:

Something for everyone in these social media platforms?

Something for everyone in these social media platforms?

Friendica currently supports bidirectionally (reading and posting) the following networks: Twitter,, GNU...

Friendica currently supports bidirectionally (reading and posting) the following networks: Twitter,, GNU Social, Mail (via IMAP and SMTP)

Also you can post content to these networks: Blogger, Buffer (Facebook, Google+ Pages, LinkedIn, Twitter), Dreamwidth, Insanejournal, Libertree, Livejournal, Tumblr, WordPress.

Oooooh, why haven't I checked this out already? Well actually, I thought it might have been trying to imiitate Facebook! :P I have accounts on Live Journal, DreamWidth, Blogger, Tumblr, and Facebook. One post to rule them all?

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Am posting a bit in Diaspora. Hmmmm

And what, is this?! Looks very flash.

And what, is this?! Looks very flash.

Well I'm and old baby boomer. Maybe this isn't for me. I couldn't make head nor tail of it at breakfast this morning.

Well I'm and old baby boomer. Maybe this isn't for me. I couldn't make head nor tail of it at breakfast this morning.
#SocialMedia #MeWe

So it's the day after it was announced that G+ will be closing.

So it's the day after it was announced that G+ will be closing. I've joined a group that discusses how to migrate somewhere else, and already there are heaps of posts waiting for me to look at. But so far I'm not sold on anything I've looked at . I've tried diaspora which to me looks like LIVE JOURNAL from 11 years ago. There's something called WeMe but it looks geared towards phone use and I don't put social media on my phone - what with poor eyesight and encroaching arthritis.

The thing that gets to me is this - no matter what solution I pick I will lose some of the connections I've made on G+. That's inevitable because not everyone will go on to the choice I eventually make, if they bother at all. And that annoys the shit out of me. I don't particularly want to be on half a dozen social media platforms.

I started out using Live Journal in 2004 while I was doing a TAFE library course. I stuck with that for a long time. I originally got on Facebook to share a photo I'd taken at a student conference earlier in the year. But I found I couldn't cope with Facebook very well back then, and I'm now on the 3rd FB account. The reason I stayed was mostly because friends I knew from real life and Live Journal . And while I still have a Live Journal account, Facebook effectively killed it by being "the app that everyone was on".

I joined Google+ after a contact in Facebook mentioned they were thinking of moving to it. They didn't, but I liked the feature mix in G+ - communities that worked and were about my interests and past times, and collections which I could share and/or subscribe to. For me G+ has been a platform I can take my time with, one that wasn't really designed for desktops as an afterthought to smart phone usage. I guess as well that my usage of Facebook has been very different than my usage here Facebook is for day-to-day domestic stuff. Google+ has (mostly) been for my interests , passions, and past times.

I will be missing G+, whatever I do afterwards.
#GooglePlus #LiveJournal #Facebook #SocialMedia

Thursday, October 4, 2018

It has been programmed to read faces based on thousands of photos of people that were assessed and ranked by humans...

It has been programmed to read faces based on thousands of photos of people that were assessed and ranked by humans according to 14 characteristics, from gender, age and ethnicity to attractiveness, weirdness and emotional stability.

"Ethnicity: Black"??? I suspect that a misappropriate over simplification, which to me suggests that this is a fairly bogus process based on certain assumptions. I call bullshit on this one.

Nice of the Windows update to mention the missing Homegroup, but it was removed a while ago wasn't it?

Nice of the Windows update to mention the missing Homegroup, but it was removed a while ago wasn't it? And hmm, use my Smartphone eh? I'll take that on advisement.
#Windows10 #WindowsUpdate

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Seems a good idea, I ran this on one of my email addresses and found it'd been compromised four times!

Seems a good idea, I ran this on one of my email addresses and found it'd been compromised four times!

Originally shared by Eric Buijs

Mozilla's made a very easy open source tool available (Firefox Monitor) to determine if your email address has been compromised.

Link to the monitor:

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Well it looks like I had less success with the NAS than I thought.

Well it looks like I had less success with the NAS than I thought. I replaced 2TB drive with a brand new 4TB but the errors just multiplied. I have successfully backed up what I had stored on the NAS (only 20 GB in size) so I might just follow its suggestions of reinstalling the OS from the assistant program, only there's no option in that program to do that!

I might do some more research first - the help pages talk around doing that without giving details! For noww the DS418j is powered down until I get some answers.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Friday, September 14, 2018

Six years after decommissioning USS Enterprise, the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the U.S.

Six years after decommissioning USS Enterprise, the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the U.S. Navy is still figuring out how to safely dismantle the ship. The General Accounting Office estimates the cost of taking apart the vessel and sending the reactors to a nuclear waste storage facility at up to $1.5 billion, or about one-eighth the cost of a brand-new aircraft carrier.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Those (1971) were the days...

Those (1971) were the days...

Automated vehicle trials | RACWA

The RAC Intellibus® and Intellicar trials are not a pursuit of technology for technology’s sake, but a commitment to ensure AV technology can be applied to solve urban and regional mobility challenges in Australia.
#Australia #WesternAustralia

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The quiz was timed so that when they walked through a doorway, they were tested right afterwards.

The quiz was timed so that when they walked through a doorway, they were tested right afterwards. As the title said, walking through doorways caused forgetting: Their responses were both slower and less accurate when they'd walked through a doorway into a new room than when they'd walked the same distance within the same room.


More ways False Slack gets forced on you.

More ways False Slack gets forced on you.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

At the same time, younger Millennials and GenZ are moving to video-first consumption.

At the same time, younger Millennials and GenZ are moving to video-first consumption. This is dire news for legacy feeds such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. The era of the algorithmic feed where personal, news and spam is all lumped together may be nearing an end.

Sounds more like the writer wants this to happen.

I can't help but think that there must also be a non-open source component in this.

I can't help but think that there must also be a non-open source component in this.
#Opensource #USA #DOD

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

I received this email this morning:

I received this email this morning:

(-- START --)
Your Google+ content has violated the Google+ User Content and Conduct Policy, which is against the Google+ Terms of Service. As such, your content has been removed or blocked.
Content type: Post or comment
Reason for removal: Spam
Content identifier: z13tclfqhqysgzlzl04cdjrb5maetxhjlns0k
Certain removal reasons may result in your content being visible either only to you, or only in certain countries.
The Google+ Team

Replies to this email will not be monitored. If you have other questions or concerns regarding Google, please visit the Google Help Center.
(-- END --)

????? Spam? What comment? the Content identifier is useless if they don't tell me how to use it! What a useless email.

Monday, September 3, 2018

I must have slept through this. I wouldn't loose it at if if Facebook were down.

I must have slept through this. I wouldn't loose it at if if Facebook were down.

Our privacy is continously under threat.

Our privacy is continously under threat. Monstrous platforms such as Google and Facebook tend to lure users in giving up private data in a tradeoff for access to their platform. With little effort, one can reclaim their privacy. h3b is a resilient platform, giving users the information and tools to reclaim their freedom and privacy. This platform is exclusively powered and secured by a pufferfish. Because we truly care about security, unlike the penguin praisers. Needless to say, traffic isn't logged.

Originally shared by Edward Morbius

Have a cookie: KO3K3L, a search-engine for the privacy-minded

I've just learned of this from the site's creator, on Mastodon. This may be of interest.

Hosted on OpenBSD.

'Koekel" is Dutch for cookie.


Allows you to import 3D materials into Clip Studio Paint
#Clipstudio #Windows #MacOS

Originally shared by Laura Ess

now free!

Monday, August 27, 2018

They were misquoted I'm sure.

They were misquoted I'm sure. I was reading on G+ that they discovered a viable time travel method. Those Bloody scientists - they'll say anything to get attention!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Friendica users can connect with others via their own Friendica server, but may also fully integrate contacts from...

Friendica users can connect with others via their own Friendica server, but may also fully integrate contacts from other platforms including Twitter, Diaspora, and StatusNet into their 'newsfeed'. In addition to these two way connections, users can also use Friendica as a publishing platform to post content to Google+, WordPress, Tumblr and Libertree. In addition, e-mail contacts and RSS feeds can be integrated.[4] Because users are distributed across many servers, their "addresses" consist of a username, the "@" symbol, and the domain name of the Friendica instance in the same manner email addresses are formed.

And I bet you've never heard of this, eh? Sounds like something from The IT Crowd. Not entirely clear which platforms it supports.

Friday, August 3, 2018

I want one!

I want one!

Originally shared by null

Vintage VW

Thursday, August 2, 2018

The technology life-cycle (TLC) describes the commercial gain of a product through the expense of research and...

The technology life-cycle (TLC) describes the commercial gain of a product through the expense of research and development phase, and the financial return during its "vital life". Some technologies, such as steel, paper or cement manufacturing, have a long lifespan (with minor variations in technology incorporated with time) while in other cases, such as electronic or pharmaceutical products, the lifespan may be quite short.

You can see this in lots of products.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

It's been two weeks since I logged out of Facebook, and haven't logged back in.

It's been two weeks since I logged out of Facebook, and haven't logged back in.

I've thought about logging in every day since, but I haven't done so, apart from discovering I was still logged on in OPERA and logging out. In that time I seem to have been a bit more productive. There may be no correlation, but I might just try going for another week away from it. If nothing else, I've been less upset then when use Facebook daily. Less memes about US politics shoved in my face perhaps?

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

[Upgrade, upgrade, upgrade!]

[Upgrade, upgrade, upgrade!]
I recently changed the setting on my RecRoom monitor to 3840x2160 to see how it'd go. Great on an Opensimulator view, provided you were careful with your UI scaling, not so great on Firefox (I had to use the hack at to make the UI readable), and Photoshop, because it's CS6 (and not CC) was an issue, as the full size screenshot shows below.

A quick search of Adobe forums found that people either misunderstood the questions advising to use Edit .> Preferences > Interface settings, which only seem to affect drop down menus. The other main response was It's 5 versions old and UPGRADE TO PHOTOSHOP CC! Now the second response might actually be the simplest, but I've never done that because it involves an ongoing commitment to paying Adobe a monthly fee. I bought the studend edition while I was doing my Masters. It was a one time payment which I could budget and save for, but the subscription model seems more like life insurance in how it works, and problematic for someone on a fixed income.

As per this article at from last year, living in Australia I'd have to pay an exchange rate making it far higher in $A. The last time I remember the $A being worth more than the $US was the 70s! The cheapest plan for me to use Ps CC is a photography plan (as I'm no longer an active student) at A$14.29/mo3. My CS6 pack cost me about $A350 and I got a whole collection of apps, not just two. At the subscription rate it's cost that in 2 years, just for Photoshop and Lightroom! Any monthly subscription computes with my utility costs, so this is why I haven't upgraded to anything CC, and probably won't.
#photoshop #UI #Adoboe #subscription

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Ren'Py is a visual novel engine – used by thousands of creators from around the world – that helps you use words,...

Ren'Py is a visual novel engine – used by thousands of creators from around the world – that helps you use words, images, and sounds to tell interactive stories that run on computers and mobile devices. These can be both visual novels and life simulation games. The easy to learn script language allows anyone to efficiently write large visual novels, while its Python scripting is enough for complex simulation games.

You too can create a visual novel with this software. Of course it might not look like manga, it might just look like whatever artist draws for the novel.
#opensource #android #chrome #linux #windows #MacOS #IOS

Saturday, July 21, 2018

I haven't used a lot of 3rd party plugins lately, but if you want free ones (including for programs that can use...

I haven't used a lot of 3rd party plugins lately, but if you want free ones (including for programs that can use Photoshop compatible plugins) this is the site.

Friday, July 20, 2018

[Why you seldom see extention names longer than 3 characters]

[Why you seldom see extention names longer than 3 characters]

And the answer is - all sorts of reasons!

Yesterday I needed to send a software dick to a friend in Victoria.

Yesterday I needed to send a software dick to a friend in Victoria. I wanted to create an autorun menu to help them with installing the software (GIMP, Krita, MyPaint and XNView), because they don't use their PC that much.

Well, after a brief search and review I used this. It's dated and simple, and it only gives you 10 buttons + Exit (and a background image), but it works on Windows 10 and its simplicity made it very easy to use. You can load/run a file, view a folder, or load a webpage.

Everything else I found was either needlessly complex or a trail version.
#Windows #AutoRun

If you can draw stuff like this in GIMP, it's a LOT better than it used to be.

If you can draw stuff like this in GIMP, it's a LOT better than it used to be.

What I like about this photo, is the non-interest of the students in the background. Seen it before maybe?

What I like about this photo, is the non-interest of the students in the background. Seen it before maybe?

Monday, July 16, 2018

With the end of of the Home Group, I've been using Libraries a lot more.

With the end of of the Home Group, I've been using Libraries a lot more. The libraries are still in Windows, but their visibility is set to "off" by default. It's easier to create a library with some location like \\LAS-WIN-MEDIA\NETWORKED\ and look it up when you need it. You can give the library a less abstract and more relevant name.

Networked drives on the other hand, are handier for old applications that were assumed to be working on a single PC. I like Win 10 - more convenient than Win 7!
#Windows10 #Libraries #HomeNetwork

Finally getting around to setting up net drives on the NAS.

Finally getting around to setting up net drives on the NAS. And next will be a set s of backups for each PC and for Seconds. First though it wants to update its operating system.
#Windows10 #Synology #NAS

Saturday, July 14, 2018

I thought this was a nifty idea, but, um, who does this?

I thought this was a nifty idea, but, um, who does this?

Originally shared by OSTechNix

MapSCII – The World Map In Your Terminal #MapSCII #worldmap #ascii-art #vector-tiles #braille #console #openstreetmap #nodejs #npm

Friday, July 13, 2018

This could make a bit of a difference.

This could make a bit of a difference.

Originally shared by AlternativeTo

YouTube is rolling out a tool to allow users to remove unauthorized reuploads and mirrors of their content from the site.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

So, I got a bit triggered by this meme on Facebook yesterday.

So, I got a bit triggered by this meme on Facebook yesterday. It prompted me to take a break from facebook for a couple of weeks.

So why? A couple of reasons. I had a tough childhood with few friends and lots of illnesses. Can't identify with this image at all. This never happened* when I was a child. But the second reason is that it's a bit of a WANK. Doesn't say WHAT technology, just leaves it blank, so that the reader can fill in their own nostalgic period. And the nature of nostalgia is that in general, you'll remember things as being better than they were. And similar to that you might feel threatened for how technology has changed from those times, regardless of what the reality was back then!

So, when DID "technology take over"? Was it the 2000s, the 1990s, the 1980s, earlier? Well "technology" is a pretty loose term, but I'd say after the start of the Industrial Revolution. Yep, that far back.

Consider that until the invention of the steam engine, force (as in f=ma^2) came from "natural means" such as wind, water, sun, animals and humans. There was a with what you could do with these sources and you either had to learn a skill (like sailing) to make that force into power which does work (e.g. moving a boat on the water). And to a degree most of these power sources could be scaled up to give bigger results. Building the pyramids didn't need aliens - just skill, clever planning, and lots of grunt work from volunteers.

But after steam and other engines were developed, improved, and came into wide spread use, things changed. The skills acquired to handle the natural sources of power became superseded by the skills to handle the engine powered machinery. It was only a matter of time before the bulk of manual labour (in industrialised countries) became less economic than having less workers with more machines. And that's when "technology took over", because technology became a priority for governments and the economy. The last time something like that happened, hunter gatherers start doing agriculture instead. And after that change became increasingly rapid.

Trains meant that you could travel faster than a horse or boat and carry more; improvements in printing made large circulation newspapers and magazines possible, and books increased in popularity and available for the masses; the telegraph (the "original Internet") meant that communications that had taken days or months before could now take hours or minutes, and a whole "telegraph culture" (complete with emoticon and LOL equivalents) grew up around it; telephones improved on that, because whereas before you'd have to go somewhere in particular to send a telegram, now you could contact them from your own home; audio recordings (including radio) meant that people could here how other people spoke without having to visit another part of the country or go to another, so that accents and dialects became more fixed and more standard, photography and motion pictures did the same for how people and places looked; television did much the same, but like telephones to telegraphs, you can now see it all without going to a particular place. Bicycles, then automobiles and motorcycles, finally superseded the horse (or horse and cart) fort getting from A to B locally; people became way more mobile.

The overall effect of all these changes was that by the time mobile and later smart phones became popular, there was already an audience primed for something like an Internet, sharing popular culture and by shear weight of numbers extending its dominance.

So yes, "technology took over" a long time ago. The kids in this image are riding bikes for shit's sake - what do they think those are, but technology?

[Facebook Sabbatical]

[Facebook Sabbatical]
I decided to take a fortnight's break from Facebook. I didn't do anything "drastic", I merely told a couple of friends and just logged out. No I MUST DESTROY MY FACEBOOK ACCOUNT bullshit drama, because partly, I know from experience no one in my friends list even sees stuff like that usually.

Nah, it was just making me stressed out and cranky. Too many posts about Trump and memes that I'd pick a fight over. When Facebook makes me cranky and becoming a bit OCD, it's time to take a break. Of course I also deleted Facebook from my history, trying to delete the icon from Firefox's start page, but no big.
Google+ on the other hand, seldom upsets me so much as Facebook does. I think there's a difference in culture between Facebook and Google+. Most of G+ (for me) is about groups that I share interests with, and the friends I've made along the way. Over in FB groups (and posts in general) are problematic because Facebook are constantly changing their algorithms to show you what they think you want. And for some reason they thought that as an Australian, I'd want to to see a bazillion Trump memes! Not that there's anything immediately wrong with memes, but if they form 90% of your posts (often with no comment at all) that means less actual content about you and your interests; more NOISE less SIGNAL.

I'll see what it's like in 14 days.