
3d 3D Resources and Applications 3Deditortests 3dmodeling 3dmodelling 3dprinting 3dterrain abobe illustrator AC3D academic accessibility Addon adobeillustrator Adoboe aeontimeline Alphabet am amigaOS anamorphic android Android animation annoyances Anxiety ANYmal apple application Application References ApplicationReferences Applications apps AprilUpdate Archie] architecture archivefootage archives art ascii-art assistants astronomy atari Australia AutoRun b3d BBCNews Bipdeal blender Blender Blinded by Science! BlindedbyScience BostonDynamics braille Brave BSD c128 c64 cellPhoneTowers Centric chemistry Chrome chromeOS Clipstudio coding comic ComicNarrative comics commodore Computer Madness ComputerMadess ComputerMadness computers computing ConEmu console Consoles contours Copernicus Daria daylonleveller depopulation design designer diagrams digitalcomics digitalpainting digitaltag discovery_of_pulsars DIY docear doctorwho DOD drawing drawingsoftware drwho dualboot Earth ebooksfree ecosystems Edge Edit editing editors Electromagnetic Electrons emailclient endniote Energy Engineer Engineering excel exegesis exidy exporting facebook facebooksucks fake Fault fileutility firefox Firefox firefox57 Firestorm Flame flash free freeBSD freemium freeplane freesoftware freeware Friendica future Galileo generator Geocentric geos Ghost World ghosttownphotography GIF github Google google+ googleplus googleplussearch googleplustips graphics GRUB gui harddrive HarrissSpiral hashtag hashtags heightfield Heliocentric help HighandLowWeirdness history history_of_science HistoryOfScience homecomputer HomeNetwork import importing infographic inmoov interactivestory Intermittent internet Internet Stuff InternetStuff INternetStuff Ions iOS IOS ipad iphone ironman ISurfSocial java javascript Jenny Everywhere JocelynBellBurnell JudgementDay julesverne Knowhow kodi krita Krita LAS LASOpensimulator LASRandom LASTechnology Laura Ess Laura's Art LauraEss leveller levitation Libraries libreoffice linux Linux LinuxSnap LiveJournal mac macOS MacOS macOSX mangastudio5 mangastudioex5 maps MapSCII Match math mathart mathematics MaxOSX MediaPC memorial mesh MeWe microsoft microsoftexcel Microwave mindmapping mindmaps Mint MintKDE mobile modelrailways Molecules mono Motors mozilla Mozilla msdos MSNFeed msx Music NAS nasa natron NBN ncp NetNeutrality netradio Network NetworkStorage newzealand NikolaTesla nodejs npm NUC nz oldmachinery online onthisday open opensim opensimulator opensimulator terrain OpensimulatorLAS opensource opensourcesoftware openstreetmap Opera opml Orbit os outliner PaintToolSai PanicAttack password pc2 penrosetriangle pets photography photoorganizer photoshop physics Physics Planets plant plants Plasma png Podcast polyhedron Privacy processing programming projectmanagement PSRB1919 publicdomain Push pyromagnetic_electric_generator Q4OS quadrupedrobot quantum_mechanics Radiation radio RandomLAS raspberrypi reallife recovery RecRoomPC RemingtonRand research Retro retrocomputing reversenostalgi robos Robot robotic robotics Safari Sai SAVENETNEUTRALITY scalextric scapple science scienceeveryday ScienceGIF scitech Scooby Do ScoobyDoo screencapture Scrivener search searching SecondLife secondsgrid SecurityBreach SelfRighting server shapes sharing shopping simonastick Singularity sketchup SKYNET smartphone SocialMedia software Solar SolarSystem sorcerer sound sounds space spaceshuttle spectravideo Standing startrek steampunk strawhouse StudioPC subscription sweethome3d Synology tablet tags taskmanagement Technology TechnologyLAS Technomania tedtalks Terminator terrain texteditors TextFormatting textures TheFederation thunderbird todolist Tor trees TripleJ trolley tutorial twt UI UNIVAC universe update updates USA USB3 utility vector-tiles vectoreditor vectors vfx video videoediting videorecording viewer vintagecomputing Vivaldi vocorder Walking web Web webbrowser webcam webdevelopment werner_heisenberg WesternAustralia Widows Win10 Win10Install win7 Win7 windows Windows Windows10 Windows64 windows7 WindowsUpdate Wings3D WomensDay worldmap XnViewMP xport

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The standard way to pronounce Uranus among astronomers is to put the emphasis on the first syllable “ur” and then...

The standard way to pronounce Uranus among astronomers is to put the emphasis on the first syllable “ur” and then say the second part “unus”. This is the standard literary pronunciation. The more common way people have pronounced it is u-ra-nus, with the “ra” sounded like “ray”.

This list has the names of the 9 planets (yes it includes Pluto for historical reasons) in a number of different languages. Most puns only work in their own language.

There you are, all explained.

There you are, all explained.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Has your email inbox been filling up with privacy policy updates?

Has your email inbox been filling up with privacy policy updates? It seems like every service, app or subscription I’ve signed up for (including more than a few I’ve forgotten about) is sending me one. And the reason is that on Friday, May 25, 2018, a new law takes effect in Europe — the General Data Protection Regulation aka the “GDPR.”

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Since the April Upgrade, when M$ got rid of the HomeGroup, I've been having sharing issues, in that the folders I'd...

Since the April Upgrade, when M$ got rid of the HomeGroup, I've been having sharing issues, in that the folders I'd shared don't appear under Network. I ca however access them via shortcuts on Double Commander, so clearly they're still there. But this is bloody annoying!

This article alleges to explain how to share files now. I shall be reading this closely.

So my Windows 10 April update finally (like a cyclone working it's way down a coast) hit my RecRoom PC.

So my Windows 10 April update finally (like a cyclone working it's way down a coast) hit my RecRoom PC. After it was all done up popped the Edge browser listing all the new goodies, and underneath was something called THE FEED.

Uh, say what now? I didn't ask for it, and I thought this was an Operating System, NOT a Social Media platform (though I concede, it could be both). Seems it's available as an app on the M$ Store, but really if I wanted it I would have already got it. I've hidden it for now, and as the only reason I use EDGE is when asking Win help questions from the task bar, I probably won't see it again.

This article explains how to get rid of it "proper like", and no doubt will be useful.
#Windows10 #AprilUpdate #MSNFeed

Thursday, May 17, 2018

This is a list of various applications that can be used to generate plants, both free and paid.

This is a list of various applications that can be used to generate plants, both free and paid. I'll also be listing some free ones in the comments below.
#online #application #plant #3d

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Seems you can still share, but to specific apps?

Seems you can still share, but to specific apps???? It explains later... share files with people in your workgroup or domain, select the file or folder you want to share, go to the Share tab, and then in the Share with section select Specific people. We'll see how this works soon.

The mystery of the translucent rectangle!

The mystery of the translucent rectangle!
A mysterious translucent white rectangle has appeared in the upper left corner of the monitor attached to the NUC! This appeared after the last update, and after a quick google search I found that it's an old old problem, that's caused and cured in different ways. Thanks Micro$oft! :P
#Windows #Win10

Unfollowing collections is very handy.

Unfollowing collections is very handy.

Originally shared by Shelenn Ayres

Some folks may find this handy...

Monday, May 14, 2018

HomeGroup has been removed from Windows 10 (Version 1803).

HomeGroup has been removed from Windows 10 (Version 1803). However, even though it has been removed, you can still share printers and files by using features that are built into Windows 10.

Bugger, I liked HomeGroup.

Fabulous stuff on this page, from yestercentury's industrial revoltion.

Fabulous stuff on this page, from yestercentury's industrial revoltion.

Friday, May 11, 2018

I have the other USB3 port installed and tested in the RecRoom now. All fine.

I have the other USB3 port installed and tested in the RecRoom now. All fine.

A side benefit is that I found a spare 3m HDMI cable that had been misplaced. I swapped that into the Lounge PC (though it was a Herculean effort to plug it into the back of the TV). I'd also found a couple of plugs on the graphics card I'd installed on the RecRoom PC (in order to play Space Engineers) and it transpired that they were HDMI! That means I can now use the 4K monitor in the RecRoom properly! Win win today.

Top 10 Gadgets That Give You Superpowers

FoxNews had the headline of Boston Dynamics' terrifying robots can now run, jump, climb.

FoxNews had the headline of Boston Dynamics' terrifying robots can now run, jump, climb. Some bias there, maybe? I don't find this terrifying at all. Quick Pizza delivery perhaps?

I installed one of the USB 3.0 cards in my Lounge PC this morning.

I installed one of the USB 3.0 cards in my Lounge PC this morning.

The installation went smoothly, though I had to scavenge an power cable splitter from the defunct Studio PC to get power to it. Installed the driver and then tested it on an external hard drive that I know has USB 3 capabilities. It went a LOT faster than what I was used to! The next test was the docking I'd bought earlier this week. I had to turn it off, make sure the 3.5" was firmly plugged in, and it worked!

The image below is the internal 3D PROJECTS drive in the dock being read by Win10. Just like having a big clunky USB stick! This means that that I get my dodgy drive back, I can plug that in and test it as well, without fiddling around with the innards of any of my PCs. Something worked for once! :D
#StudioPC #USB3

I bought a couple of these yesterday, to install into my surviving PCs.

I bought a couple of these yesterday, to install into my surviving PCs. Should make copying stuff to and from them a lot quicker. Anyway, scrolling down the info page I found THIS.

"No explosion"? I am SO GLAD to read that, even if it's a bit like seeing a sign about a toilet seat that says "will not electrocute user". :P

Haven't tried this yet. It looks like it'd make buildings that would be good as backdrops.

Haven't tried this yet. It looks like it'd make buildings that would be good as backdrops.

Originally shared by Isis Ophelia

I found below software today. Because I have no idea IF it could be useful to some who know more about creating 3Ds, I am posting the links here and leave it to the ones to decide what to do with the information.

1) First read about the software and the tutorial under this link. On this page is offered only for 32 bits windows - also for Linux.

2) Using this software some people have forged this:

It is free and open source.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Looks like I don't actually have a USB 3 port on my two PCs!

Looks like I don't actually have a USB 3 port on my two PCs! Admittedly they're older motherboards, but I can add some anyway. Why do I need them? Well it seems that the Hard drive dock runs on USB 3, not 2. Still, I've heard this is a lot quicker than 2, so other copying operations like backups might benefit from this as well. Looks like a trip tomorrow.

While I mention that Dock, it seems to have an "offline cloning facility". You stick two drives in and you can (assuming the 2nd is big enough) clone the contents of one to the other!!! That's one way to backup.

Well I now have the Studio PC sorted. Not with what I wanted, but what I needed.

Well I now have the Studio PC sorted. Not with what I wanted, but what I needed.

I popped into the computer shop where the PC had been built, and had a discussion with the guy who runs it. Having the PC repaired will cost a minimum of $40 for the service charge, plus whatever was needed. And it might break down again. However, $40 would also get me a USB DOCKING STATION for 2.5" and 3.5" SATA hard drives. So that's what I bought. I'll just dismantle the PC and if I need to, plugin any 2.5" or 3.5" SATA Hard Drive that I need to recover.

I'm greatly relieved at this solution. If and when I get a newer PC it'll probably be a laptop.
#StudioPC #USB3

Saturday, May 5, 2018

I've decided not to do anything on the Studio PC today, for a reason.

I've decided not to do anything on the Studio PC today, for a reason.

There's a button type battery on the Motherboard. My memory (a side effect of having once had epilepsy) can be vague at times, but I had a similar problem with a previous PC, which I remembered this morning. It wouldn't boot either, because that battery was FLAT. The solution was to get a new battery, which I did, and it booted again.

So tomorrow while I'm out and about, I'll buy a replacement battery, and swap it in, before I do anything else. It may not make any difference, but it might save a lot of fiddling about.

Friday, May 4, 2018

So I checked the PC, and no progress..

So I checked the PC, and no progress..

Checked the power cable with a new one;,same result. Unplugged everything except the motherboard, same result. No point in testing it with the motherboard unplugged. The result's the same, the fans spin for a second and then nothing. To test it again I have to unplug the power cord for about a minute, or it just won't do anything when the button's pressed. And I don't think it's the power button either. And that's about as far as I can go by myself. There are three alternatives now: get/pay someone to fix it; buy a cheap replacement, or buy an expensive replacement.

What's cheap? Well I can get another tower for $100-$200 via GumTree (as per Of course each of those may have their own limitations and problems. And I'd have to pick them up. That might be OK if all I want to do is use it to browse the web and play music.

The expensive option is getting something built at a computer shop. The three PCs I have here were all built by one particular computer chain, from 2 local shops. The one I've had the most trouble with - the one in the Studio - was built at a local shop that no longer exists. And that would cost me anywhere between $400-$700, depending on what gets put together.

The point of repairing the Studio PC is that it would have at least two spare slots for hard drives if I only use one drive in it with Linux on it. Then, when a friend of mine drops in next month with the damaged hard drive with my graphic novel on it, that I'd be able to to just plug the drive into a spare slot and we'd see if it was recoverable or not. Yes, I still have hope in recovering my graphic novel. So a cheap (or expensive) PC would need spare slots to do the same.


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Bitwarden features:

Bitwarden features:
* store not only passwords but also secure notes, credit cards and identities
* supports two-step authentication (2FA)
* built-in password generator
* store unlimited items
* sync across all devices with no limits_
* passwords import and export functionality (supports importing from a large list of password managers, including 1Password, Chrome, Enpass, Firefox, Opera, Vivaldi, Gnome / Seahorse, KeepassX and 2, Lastpass, and others)
* form fill on browsers, including on mobile
* optional: self-host your own server

Wow, seems really good.
#Windows, #macOS #Linux #Chrome #Firefox #Vivaldi #Tor #Opera #Safari #Edge #Brave #Android #iOS

So, what do you think happened when I started to setup the rejigged Studio PC? That's right, IT WOULDN'T BOOT.

So, what do you think happened when I started to setup the rejigged Studio PC? That's right, IT WOULDN'T BOOT.

I took the cover off and watched while I tried to do a cold boot. The motherboard and case fans come on for a second (as does the power button in the front) and then then IT ALL STOPS. Er, this is slightly beyond my technical abilities. It's obviously a short, but I really don't know how to track that down or fix it. I can try unplugging things one at a time, but what then?

In which case after a promising restart this seems to be the end of that particular PC. The only difference I can spot is that it's been sitting directly in the sunlight from the Studio window for over an hour. I really don't know what to do with it next. :(

How to Pronounce Uranus

Well, I have Linux Mint KDE 18.2 installed on the Studio PC.

Well, I have Linux Mint KDE 18.2 installed on the Studio PC. But it didn't go smoothly. I couldn't backup most of the files still on the drives, because the Live version of Mint wouldn't let me. copy files to the USB drive. This was probably permissions issue but this was the first time I had that issue!A The work around was to split the install over more than one drive. and then when it was all done it wouldn't boot direct and when I got to to up comes GRUB, listing a Windows install when there no longer is one?!

So, a bit more mucking around with the BIOS, with the Grub Customiser and and a few other things, before this is done properly.
#Linux #MintKDE

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

In other words, there is not a single smoking gun, a solitary rogue gene that works like a binary switch, inevitably...

In other words, there is not a single smoking gun, a solitary rogue gene that works like a binary switch, inevitably causing depression in those unfortunate enough to inherit it. More realistically, all of us will have inherited some of the genes for depression and our chances of becoming depressed will depend in part on how many and their cumulative impact.

A free auto clicker which will easy to solve all your clicking needs, do you need a head start at a game?

A free auto clicker which will easy to solve all your clicking needs, do you need a head start at a game? Well choose between right and left mouse clicks and even choose the time delay between each click all on one small simple application.

Er, really? Hmmm.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

In the end I've decided to go with Linux Mint KDE only.

In the end I've decided to go with Linux Mint KDE only. It's teh Linux Distro I like using, and stuff like Chromium OS or whatever can be tested either with a live disk or USB. Sending GParted in first to clear the way.