Originally shared by Laura Ess
Using ConEmu to run OpenSim
I run Windows applications (on Windows 10 nowadays) and I prefer to use ConEmu (see https://conemu.github.io/) to run OpenSim. Generally, I have a shortcut on the desktop for ConEmu, and a shortcutsfor each standalone Opensim install I have, pointing the relevant /bin/Opensim.exe. I simply pull the stand-alone's shortcut into ConEmu's shortcut and it runs the stand-alone in the ConEmu console.
Now I could just run the stand-alone shortcut without dragging it, and that would run the stand-alone in the default Windows DOS console, and that would work, but using ConEmu instead has certain advantages:
* It is easily configurable in appearance, performance, and integration;
* Set up a log and read that when something goes wrong;
* Set up the affinity/priority of the process you're running in ConEmu (for example, if that's the only thing you're running on that device, set it to HIGH);
* You can have multiple, tabbed windows; and
* You can prevent accidentally ending the process by setting up confirmations for termination or exiting a tab.
You get none of that with the bog standard Windows console, or if you do, it's obscure and tricky to set up. There may be other consoles out there, or Windows add-ons that add some of these features, but this does it all in one! I have to thank Fred Beckhusen for putting me on to this. I find ConEmu extremely helpful.
#Windows #ConEmu #Consoles

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